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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. That is just federal taxation, your own article says so. Total taxation crushes the middle class compared to upper income earners. That is a total foul play on your part GG, I expected better of you.
  2. That is not a job?
  3. If I pay taxes, by definition, I have a job you racist moron.
  4. What? Seriously, you are justifying lower taxes for the uber wealthy because they create jobs? Well wtf are they doing now? They pay more overall so they should pay a lower percentage than me? Good god that is some piss poor logic.
  5. Link I pay a higher percentage than Warren Buffet. Nice. But no big, the uber wealthy pay less than I do percentage wise and the top companies pay nothing or are even owed money. Sweet system. Where is the outcry to lower the taxes on these guys? Oh wait, I see it here every day. NM
  6. Don't let Ocin find the magic mirror. He will die from starvation as he stares into it longingly...
  7. California is like the eighth largest economy in the world. Is it shrinking? Yes. But hardly depressed and underdeveloped.
  8. So you want Obama to get a second term?
  9. Necro-Equine Flagellation.
  10. I was reluctant to do so until recently. I find though that it makes an excellent news feed though. Plus, I love me some Felicia Day...
  11. That was the other joke I almost made. I decided to go for the obscure.
  12. Lawyers are a cat goddess?
  13. A Collage can be pretty cheap if you plan it right...
  14. I almost pointed that out, but felt it would be unfair to deprive you.
  15. Okay genius, what is the question?
  16. Talked to a guy in Manchester, he seemed not to care. Said it had barely made a blip, while a friend of mine in the heart of London said her neighborhood was not impacted at all. Mind you, she called out of work today.
  17. Slate posted this link along with "Aluminum bat sales up 5,000% in one day on Amazon.uk:" . Check out the Movers and Shakers in Sports & Leisure sales. Link
  18. Yeah, she skipped work and did not charge her phone. Sounds nightmarish over there. Good feed to track it, here.
  19. I have a friend who lives in London. Tried calling her five times today, just goes to voice mail. E-mailed, messaged her in our games and no response yet...
  20. Just assume I am. 'Tis easier that way.
  21. Your support for an obvious racist and your desperate need to talk about race speaks volumes.
  22. Yeah, I was speaking to how they would have wanted to go out.
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