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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Actually, I was completely hammered when I posted that to be honest. Fairly sure what Darin meant was that this is what happens when government grows too powerful, so in that aspect I agree. He was using China as an extreme example. If your ideals have been hijacked by an extreme fringe group then so have the liberals ideals been similarly changed. At least the ideals I grew up believing in.
  2. Wow. Reminds me of the guy who had the meltdown in the financial thread.
  3. A rumor would be, "Saburz likes you." while "I think Saburz wants to be friends with you Diva." is an opinion, or in this case, a joke.
  4. So the last 20 or so years means nothing?
  5. You are missing the manipulating religion bit.
  6. I think Saburz wants to be friends with you Diva.
  7. So your wife was alone with a couple of young men and you got an unexpectedly low bill?
  8. Well, at least he got a shot in at Ralph. Pity it has little basis in fact.
  9. I once convinced a girl that her pet pig could get pregnant by a dog. I explained that was how you get hedgehogs. I likened it to a horse and a donkey producing a mule.
  10. I agree, that is asinine to stereotype a whole city...
  11. I am not a fan, I am from Memphis though. Any particular reason you felt like hating on the entire city?
  12. You do realize that conservatives have been in control for a bit, right?
  13. Nice post. Please don't pick Memphis though. I am not a fan, but I think one of the reasons they keep winning is the doubt. They seem to feed off that.
  14. Revenge of the Jedi There is no emotion; there is dispassionate running up of the score. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge of the opponent's plays. There is no passion; there is calm knowing the refs are on your side. There is no chaos; there is HGH. There is no death; there is the Superbowl. (oops) Oh, wait thats Darth Belichick. My bad.
  15. There is a line you don't cross, on the upside though, VA has an impressive long jump for a midget. Midget does not refer to his physical stature in this example.
  16. Congrats brother.
  17. I got up and walked around for a bit on a broken leg after I set it. Dumbest thing I could have ever done,, but I really didn't think it was broken. The red flash that showed behind the blackness as I set it should have been a clue... As to the rest of the thread, if the plexiglass was set in a negligent fashion then yes, he has a case.
  18. Beat you to it. Let me savor the moment before you ban me.
  19. It would be a B word since you only get 7 tiles and hard to find a word to build off of.
  20. I could be wrong, but I get the feeling she was calling you a sanctimonious ass who would be arguing the sheer opposite viewpoint for perversities sake. What do I know though?
  21. Oh poor Crayonz, he posts several serious posts...and the only one that identifies with him is Wacka.
  22. I was being sarcastic. Sorry, should have added a Edit - I should add that it is spelled "misogyny". Hence my rather weak pun.
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