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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. It is more likely, he is praying this thread goes away.
  2. Truly pathetic, that audio was horrible.
  3. I have to admit, that was a big time beatdown.
  4. So did you, I mean your Brother, dump her? Seriously, this seems a black mark for Hardy at least. I will wait for more on the story if there is any.
  5. OT: Is LSI still banned?
  6. When is her plumbing going to just call it a day and say no more?
  7. HBD all!
  8. I assume Josh's jurisdiction is to go get booze for the beleaguered parents? (fake ID?)
  9. When he was in GB I watched a game with an old friend. Don Beebe came out and he said, "White guy, possession receiver." My replay was, "Actually almost, but not quite, the exact opposite." Still he earns a warm spot in my heart for the Leon Lett play. He didn't give up.
  10. That probably would have been a better option than Gitmo, at least if done discretely. Horribly wrong of course.
  11. Happy Belated Birthday guys.
  12. No sales tax in Il? No SS tax? No Gas taxes? Damn, I need to consider moving.
  13. Way to recast what I said in a fashion that isn't even close to my intent. I am discussing total taxation. They pay 25%. I am decidedly middle class. I pay more. I am not jealous, nor am I even advocating more taxes on them. I was just shocked by the figure. I have heard 40% tossed around here as a figure. I do agree that giving the government money is almost futile.
  14. Not particularly jealous, just don't feel any sympathy for them.
  15. As far as total taxation (not just income tax) yes.
  16. It seems relevant to me how much they pay in taxes as a percentage. I was "bitching" as you put it, because the percentage was lower. Hard to feel much sympathy for someone paying a lower percentage, oh wait people do that all the time on here.
  17. Love the site, I thought this place was crazy. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread352864/pg1
  18. ...but thats spoiler stuff. I will talk about it more when everyone has seen it. Talked with all my old comic geek friends today, huge success IMO. If it wasn't a comic book movie, I would be pimping RDJ for an Oscar.
  19. I am referring to total taxation. I could care less which tax it is applied to.
  20. I missed it, but from what I was told, I agree. Robert Downey Jr just equaled Christopher Reeve as best acting for a Secret ID.
  21. Examples please, I believe you. I am simply curious as to why you would think that.
  22. I seem to remember you spouting off about a 40% taxation rate for the companies. Was that someone else?
  23. Am I missing something (probably), but that looks like a 25% tax rate. Is that including things the company purchases? If so call the waambulance as my taxation rate is much higher. It seems to include sales tax. Do those figure include matching SS funds?
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