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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. :lol: What's her number?
  2. This shows how out of touch Obama is. Clearly the Republicans are using the Muslim issue.
  3. Crap, then that means you are me. How humiliating.
  4. Hey, crayonz has the right to marry his hamster. It is a bit disturbing, but I support his rights. She is smarter than him afterall. On the upside, she should be terribly impressed by any ring. "It is a quarter carot." That's huge to a hamster.
  5. I disagree, I think she has been rode hard and put up wet.
  6. Meh, you manned up and took the quote out of your sig. I am done with you.
  7. PS you suck at replies as you mangled that one. Just reply and type at the bottom for you slow types.
  8. I caught that. However, you do realize English isn't his native language? The fact of the fact that you bothered to quote him seals the deal on how I think of you. God you are more of a stereotype than Wacka who at least genuinely believes in his statements. Moron Quoting typos is lame, sigging someone typing in another language= truly pathetic. Guess you need the victories where you can get them. Oh and changing the font size to boot. Overcompensate much?
  9. Oh and you are so informed on the French political scene? By the way re: your sig, is that a fact of a fact? Moron.
  10. Because you are wrong brother. The differences are solely cosmetic. Now you can argue whether the "assault" rifle inspires violence or not by its mere appearance I suppose. Oh and AD, you were patient at one point?
  11. 42/0 There are some mice that want to talk to me. I have an appointment though.
  12. LOL and the redneck vote (I live in the south, my right to heckle) shifts dramatically.
  13. Did you actually call someone a post whore?
  14. I agree. Cops cannot shot to disable and those who think they can watched too many TV series like Lone Ranger and Batman. Damn dude was either cracked out or a serious badass.
  15. DCTom to seal off neighborhoods Man, I knew he was a jerk, but wow.
  16. That is just Stojan trolling for a response. AD seems to agree with him on other issues though. Perhaps he will chime in here.
  17. How did this thread get bumped? This is the last reply. Eerie. Dean?
  18. Are you going to collect your SS? Also name a "small" car manufacturer.
  19. That doesn't seem entirely fair. If we take her at her word as far as how much she uses her vehicles, she is far from a huge consumer of gas. She may have spent money on something that she doesn't need, but I don't recall her ever denying people with wealth the right to spend their money how they please. Now making huge profits, yes she has gone off on that. So is it your contention that if you believe big business can screw over the little guy, you should avoid all products from said corporations? Again, I don't recall her saying stuff like that, so is that coming from you?
  20. To be wrong in such an important thread as this is truly humiliating.
  21. Flutie and Moulds IMO. Scott...well...ok. Beggars can't be choosers. I like it so far
  22. Yeah one of my friends doesn't have insurance for his family as he is self employed. The $800 a month for a family of four sorta discouraged him. Seeing as how he makes a decent living (45k in a 32k median income area) the prospect of spending 1/3 of his after tax money on insurance was somewhat daunting.
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