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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Hopeless if you are missing the point by now. Think man. Some things shouldn't be said, not without extensive proof.
  2. Not quoting the whole thing. Way beyond the bounds IMO.
  3. Good job, something we should actually be talking about.
  4. What he said.
  5. As an ex democrat, I would love the absolute whining by the Republicans and so called kitty moderates that are really just hiding because they are afraid to be truthful. That last is you AD. Pity they are !@#$ing up the whole country as a result. Get out and vote for a 3rd party candidate. At least let the pieces of sh-- know that we know what they are up to. Jesus Christ, 16 year old daughters are a campaign issue now? Someone push the reset button please.
  6. I ain't in charge of that team. Fez runs a good one imo though. Scrimmage B word? You guys came asking for advice, took it (I actually withheld some stuff waiting to see if you shared as you (VABILLS) promised) and moved on. Not terribly successfully I should add. You are the brains in that group...reflects on you personally. As to your political inclinations you really only take it out on liberals. You almost completely ignore the conservatives that really are liberals in sheeps clothing. Color you Republican who is afraid to admit it.
  7. As are you. You supposedly hate all politicians, yet your bile is almost exclusively reserved for liberals. Oh and you ain't that sharp at GLB either.
  8. I am not agreeing, but by then it will be too late. At least according to the mythos.
  9. Agreed with your implied point. If (your best case scenario, I have no idea if it is right) it takes 670 guys to deploy 330 US Army soldiers, that is messed up. In my extremely arm chair view it should at least be 50/50. Now if we are talking about how many guys it takes to deploy a squadron of Navy/Air Force fighters then that is a different equation.
  10. Steak & Ale closed too. I worked at the one here in town for 6 years. It was profitable actually. Kinda sad I won't ever get to see the place again. I still know some people that work there, there was of course no warning for the employees.
  11. I thought we were going to harness it and use it to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Did AD sign a no-compete contract?
  12. China will have an aircraft carrier pointed at us or for us? I doubt that.
  13. Takes a minute, she does a decent job for the most part http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q_RXCgtKIg&NR=1
  14. Only Bill I met and spent any time talking to was Russell Copeland. He had some cool stories. Sounds like you were sorta a jerk to the guy. Glad he at least had some common sense.
  15. Wow, I totally see your perspective. I guess its an Indy vote for me again. Not that what you said changed my mind, just I am in total agreement.
  16. Screw the wookie, he is more than capable of taking care of himself.
  17. Where is the conservative outcry? We are at war (depends on who you ask) so we should seize random laptops? Gross violation of privacy even if legal IMO.
  18. We would be insane to attack Iran at this time. The upside is, no matter who is elected, we are unlikely to do so. Now we just have to survive a few more months.
  19. The reporter and/or editor who made the decision to hold off on this should be fired. Oh, and my bet is on Blubber Boy (The Whale), not Molson.
  20. I knew most of the above, but as to the bold part, seriously? How odd.
  21. Yeah, but you don't have to. I signed up today.
  22. I disagree with you on a lot of issues, but yeah thats solid judgment on your part.
  23. That's it? That's your rebuttal after you backed down?
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