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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Hopefully, "No, the weed eaters of the lower sort are on aisle 9, the better ones are on aisle 10, the absolute best ones...well we can talk. How much do you have on you?"
  2. Uggggh and I thought I contributed to the downfall of rational discussion. With that said, :sick: :sick:
  3. That would make you a liberal, my apologies.
  4. I never said that, but typical misdirection. I am asking for neutral smackdown. Well at least from you as I admit to a liberal bias.
  5. Because Gore/Cheney were powerless?
  6. It was for your conservatives in the last election. Do you disdain their philosophies or are you a flip flopper?
  7. Yoohoo GG this seems partisan and off topic. Is that what this thread is about?
  8. Fixed. I bet you guys thought we could get a 1st round pick for Losman. Fixed.
  9. It is playoff berth. A small joke on my part.
  10. Might as well go for it now. That post probably got you on the list.
  11. Yeah, them going home to lounge should reduce traffic.
  12. Plausible. Oh and I meant in MS overall. Not an indictment of the Dems as a whole. Of course, it wouldn't take much to nudge me into that thought. Republicans too. Idiots all of them. Still, they can fiddle for another week with it I suppose. Maybe.
  13. Thanks, I wasn't able to get through. In my state (MS) voted as follows. Bennie G. Thompson (D) voted no Travis Childers (D) voted no Chip Pickering ( R ) voted yes Gene Taylor (D) voted no Seems the dems have some explaining to do.
  14. Losman is pregnant?
  15. I find it oddly reassuring that he can't do basic math. http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/dividend.asp
  16. Brother, I want a flat tax with the only deduction that is for everyone (rich or poor) and primarily benefits those of lower income. No taxes on gambling, cigs or gas. Straight flat tax and if the fed feels the need to stop gambling or smoking (one could add overeating at least to the list if one went with the liberal plan) they should seek other methods. Fine the company or something. But at the least, we need to know how much they are really taxing us.
  17. I think you have to factor in some form of cost of living deduction. Basically, bare minimum cost for someone to clothe, house, and feed themselves. Children (up to a certain amount which is open to debate, I say 2) are factored into the equation. Otherwise it is a complete flat tax and no other federal taxes at least. No gas taxes mainly, let the fed explain why they need the money.
  18. Sure Obama was somewhat of an idiot for even suggesting that. Not so much for saying it, but admitting it. The irony here is you can tell a lot about the one(s) who responded to this thread (I exclude DCTom, so that should sort of narrow the window). That includes myself. Who is in charge now? Obama?
  19. Let us discuss total taxation then. Despite my repeated pleas, no one seems willing. Well no one of the conservative bent at least.
  20. Did you vote?
  21. My guess would be, you are comparing the current state of the US to a possible tyrannical monarchy. Emphasis on the tyrannical bit. I probably missed it too though.
  22. LMAO, fodder for the masses that pay attention.
  23. Good to know. Who has declared themselves eligible?
  24. Not me, I am writing in for Ron Paul.
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