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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Got 4 pages B word.
  2. And despite evidence to the contrary you won't argue the figure the next time it is tossed out.
  3. No one on this board says that huh?
  4. But it is indicative of the overall taxation. I bet when you add in all other taxation he barely breaks 30%. Probably far less and yet that is still far lower than my taxes and I am not a high earner by any stretch of the imagination.
  5. Can anyone show me numbers proving otherwise? No one seems to be able to do so. I know that I am a middle income earner and paying around 35% in just federal taxes. I know that I pay sales tax, gas tax, so it is easily 40% of my gross income. More in all likelihood. Where is the rich guy paying that percentage? There are rich guys paying 25% total maybe? And there are low income families paying near that. That is my point, produce a link proving me wrong. They don't say pay no federal income tax, they say pay no taxes.
  6. What? That is fairly common. I have no need to show it. Plenty of people pay more. I used Warrens Buffet's federal tax to show that the rich pay way less in total taxation.
  7. A lot less than mine. I paid about 35%. Just in federal taxes. Not counting any other taxes, just SSI and Federal taxes. Not sure why you would argue with me over this point as it is fairly simple math. That is income tax brother. You are smarter than that.
  8. So Republicans never say that? And I have always been about total taxation and if you are unable to focus on that, then well, not sure what to say. But 50% pay no taxes is a fair statement to some of you. When that is clearly not reality, how do you hold these beliefs?
  9. Yeah and yet you cannot dispute my point oh one who eats crayonz. Must suck to be out argued by a stoner. Would it sting more if I said I was from Canada? Dispute the point. You cannot. Republicans routinely say that 50% pay no taxes. Only they are lying. You are a total stooge so you probably believed that prior to today.
  10. What? I have been saying this for years. Total taxation is my point and it is not a strawman if you cannot comprehend that. In any case, please try and argue against my point, not what you perceive it as. You are an idiot®.
  11. But they are not paying higher taxes. Show me where they are and then yes, it is a strawman. Fail to do so and it is a legitimate argument. It is a common statement on here that 50% of the country pay no taxes, when the fact is that is just not so. Why didn't you call them out on that complete fallacy?
  12. Really? How so? Do you dispute my point that middle class and lower income pay more taxes than the rich? No one else is really. Simple matter is they cannot. Do you deny that Republicans use the no federal taxes as a talking point?
  13. Fortunately Beerball rarely remembers anything...
  14. It doesn't work that way. One of many things you do not understand. You used to be better at this.
  15. Are you implying I am creating a strawman?
  16. The truly poor I grant you. The moderately poor, not so much. The middle class is surely paying a higher share than the rich. That is whacked. And yet, according to conservatives, they pay nothing. That is my point.
  17. I would support something like that. No other taxes though. No gas tax, nothing. Doubt that would be revenue neutral and tons of accountants would be out of a job, but still, sounds fair. I guess I wasn't totally fair with the "your side" crack. Brother, the percentages aren't even close when you factor in total taxation.
  18. Honestly I do not know what percentage they should be set at. My point is that it is disingenuous to say that the poor pay no taxes and the rich are over burdened. This fallacy is almost a given among many that post here. And yet when confronted with facts, they would rather quibble about how the argument is presented.
  19. That is just wrong. Where is a moderator when you need one? Oh wait...
  20. I wish you the best of luck, I am sure you will win and you have my full support.
  21. Do they pay a gas tax? Are there any other taxes they pay that no one factors in? And yes Rob it is the capital gains. I said so in a later post.
  22. But you guys argue it is all about the percentage, that poor people pay nothing. When in fact they do. So you want to up the taxes on them so they pay their fair share is what your side argues. Only they are are already paying a comparable percentage when all taxes are factored in. You are smart enough to understand that.
  23. Yeah I am stoned again, because my argument has always been about total taxation. When you look at taxation rates across the board, clearly the middle class pays more. The poor rich people pay less, mainly due to capital gains. And to paraphrase, "Well, the trouble with our conservative friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they willfully know so much that isn’t so."
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