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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. How much does that cost the employer?
  2. Only a pu$$y (reference to your avatar) would consider a full retreat a victory.
  3. That is a valid point, the difference between health and health care. I was not arguing that. You seemed like you were taking it to extremes though and may still be. You are a great stats guy, how many people fall on the extremes of that spectrum?
  4. I would agree with that if you mean that we educate people on how to keep themselves healthy. Say explain that eating a lean cut of chicken that is blackened with it's own grease and pepper, a buttload of black beans, corn, and green beans (trying to go texas style) beats the hell out of a Big Mac and fries. That would be a start health wise. Adding some grapes for desert wouldn't hurt. Do some classes to explain this, it would probably be cheaper than the alternative. Redefine what food stamps can be spent on maybe?
  5. I just hate it when someone uses the same debate tactics they accused someone else of...in the same post.
  6. Well, first I would put nutrition before health care. Health care is important though. Sure, some can be healthy w/o ever seeing a doctor, while others will stay sick no matter what health care is provided. The masses though, will benefit from MORE & CHEAPER health care if we can provide it. With our current economy that seems unlikely. Pretty sure we don't substantially disagree there. More likely you just typed out the first thing that came to mind to slam Max. As to Max's point about it being disastrous financially as set up currently, aren't there an awful lot of defaults on those type of medical bills?
  7. Rip them apart and show the stats. Only one hit for an "Above average" (mind you I think he is better) in the first two rounds with 3 picks should be above average. Forget the fact the rest of the draft panned out. I had hopes for McCargo, but it seems he is failing.
  8. Damn you, I should have thought of that.
  9. Happy birthday man.
  10. Having just watched the SNL VP debate, add Maverick if you dare P.S. you did only buy a 375 ml right? 750? 1.75?
  11. Only if a shill in the audience brings it up IMO. So I have 25 minutes. Obama's team being younger and quicker will have their shill chime in about Neo Nazis and such at the 17 minute mark making McCains shill fall flat.
  12. Just out of curiosity, what are your clients percentages of profits YTD? 3 years? 5 Years? Why couldn't they adjust the taxation rates if people followed this plan, as surely taking money out of the government's hands is a good idea. FWIW I really don't know enough to say whether this is a good or bad idea. It does seem a bad idea as it gives people money to spend, when if perhaps they saved, they wouldn't need to touch their retirement.
  13. That is the best explanation I have ever heard from you. Me being one of those people...the one's who question you. Brain damaged sure I grant you, but not far right or left.
  14. To be honest that one has been tempting me all day. He isn't worth it. I can catch his posts when I listen to Rush at lunch.
  15. Seems a completely meaningless gesture actually. If there is a huge run and the majority of banks close, could they even cover the 100k? Or will the dollar be so meaningless they can easily cover it all. I am curious as to what the financial types think.
  16. My point was that when people bring up that Palin is 2nd in line the retort from the repubs (not conservatives necessarily, just lemmings that follow the party, see wacka for an example) is oh yeah? Well Pelosi is 3rd in line and she scares me more. Pathetic point IMO.
  17. In an odd sort of way, "Hell yeah Governor Palin. Kick the crap out of that fake Biden." Sure, you may be Barbie governor, yet you managed to (worst case scenario), break even with a lifelong politician...is there a lesson there?
  18. Refresh my memory. Who is 3rd? 4th? um 12th? damn
  19. And you want to grant more power to politicians?
  20. So we agree with the exception of you laying down the smackdown on everyone. I can live with that as long as you can.
  21. The parties are the actual problem. I know a lot of friends that are fairly articulate and intelligent (I am the slow friend ok?) that started out Dem or Repub back in the 80s. We used to have vicious arguments in our teens to early 20s. Nowadays, we mostly agree. IMO it is time for at least a 3rd party. A legitimate one.
  22. I freely admit, I have a limited understanding of the whole mess. In fact, I count on people like you to provide understanding. I am somewhat dismayed when you turn semi partisan. You are neutral in this whole mess right? From my understanding this is a bi-partisan mess. Therefore, the smackdown belongs to all.
  23. Socially liberal and fiscally conservative? I am cool with that.
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