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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Well it was those 3 in particular that I find particularly to be completely untrustworthy. Don't get me wrong, the left has it's share too. RFK Jr springs to mind immediately. One would expect them to heckle the alternate world Dem Palin no matter her credentials. So to me they don't enter the equation in this. If you mean are they on the radio and thus part of the media, then yes I guess they are.
  2. Media (to me) implies they are reporting something not spinning and/or purposefully distorting fact. I would style them as shills. Some people think they are the media. I guess its a difference in viewpoint. I realize that you could throw out most of the actually reporting media by my definition. It has nothing to do with the actual type of "reporting" (TV, Radio, Internet, Newspaper, or Carrier Pigeon) simply the people listed.
  3. We were talking about jokes. That means the media, TV shows, general public, etc. At least to me it does. While, I haven't read Drudge in years so can't speak about him, the other 3 are not part of the media IMO. They are merely interesting to listen to on occasion. Rush is very good at his job, but it it ain't media.
  4. Let me guess... 1. He is actually an Illuminati minion. 2. He is the mastermind behind the NWO (boy, I bet you are blushing now after calling him a fraud). 3. He is responsible for the current crisis by tampering behind the scenes. 4. Is a front man for the CIA and is responsible for tampering with the Supreme Court in the decision to install Bush, with the aid of Geico Insurance, Coca-Cola, and Mickey Mouse. You can pick more than one.
  5. I got all 3 thankfully. Took me a minute to remember the British PM's name. Here's the link.
  6. I am thinking your avatar may have something to do with it. Not sure precisely how... Seriously yes, she gets a lot of flack. IMO as a Dem she would get way less.
  7. I agree that we shouldn't treat it like a sporting event. The whole process should be changed to "America's Next President" We could do it two ways with the final winners (1 Repub 1 Dem) being announced in 2012. a) One of the networks asks all presidential candidates for their participation...this seems unlikely even if this is a joke. However, if a couple of them did it, the rest might go. I mean we are talking 4 years of media exposure. b) One of the networks asks all semi qualified people if they are interested. Again there is the media exposure and for the wannabes that will never get a chance the endorsement of a network (ignore the fact they can endorse both) could be invaluable. At least we would know these candidates thoroughly.
  8. Since they both lie, distort numbers, and/or skew facts there ain't much left.
  9. Tina Fey, but I would be more likely to want to do Gina.
  10. I suppose pulling a Ronnie Lott is out of the question... http://www.cantonrep.com/index.php?Categor...mp;endYear=2000
  11. http://archive.supermarketguru.com/page.cfm/35468 The stuff is preground mostly. Some restaurants grind their own, but I doubt many chains do. Good read on the risks and demographics. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/foodr...00/may2000g.pdf The problem with the bartender/server being your advocate is that they could get in hot water with the manager. I have a feeling you are a good tipper and if you are a regular I would bet the bartender/server would be your advocate. Someone that doesn't know you though...not so much. Personally, I like my steaks medium rare. Burgers between med and medium well as I dislike the texture of a bloody burger.
  12. Wait, so there is an average ror for all investors in equity markets, yet none for...oh skip it.
  13. That was actually a great speech from her imo. She does a great job with a teleprompter...
  14. LOL make a blog. I can spread it. We may go down in flames, but at least we would die laughing.
  15. Hey AD would you edit Tom's post to make it so he says Barack is the one who broke his wife's jaw? If my company is still testing the new software I can easily spread the rumor across the internet. I bet we make Hannity by monday... It might make the race entertaining. Not really relevant, but entertaining. Mind you, Tom might take a hit. He should learn to sacrifice for his country though.
  16. Hmm would they even need to pull that card? Barring a surprise for Obama the race seems over.
  17. B word does not equal !@#$. IMO Cu#t does not equal !@#$. We really need a black woman to decide this...
  18. Hey, SDS where is the yawn emoticon?
  19. So you were cool with Chelsea being labeled a dog? I am too young to remember how Amy was abused but for the sake of argument I will go for it...were you cool with that? It seemed totally fair to you?
  20. My apologies, I thought we were on a message board. I obviously intercepted a PM.
  21. Ok sit down. Take a deep breath and then read my post. I actually agree with you. IMO kids are off limits. The liberals went after Palin by attacking her family. It is so uncool to bring kids into the equation. It cost them momentarily IMO. Liberals made yet another mistake by denigrating her so hard before her debate. She merely had to walk out of there without sobbing and running off the stage to call her husband to pick her up and she had a draw. Conservatives really fu#$ed up by picking her.
  22. I miss Sketch as he was funny. Mick from Syracuse? Mike? SnR goes on umm "sabbaticals" to probe the ummm defenses (read bodyguards and guard dogs with an electrified fence for starters) that fat chick Mandy Moore set up around herself after his repeated e-mails. Since he is hiding in the woods outside her house he is unable to post at the present time. I would have thought a rich republican like himself could have afforded a cell phone he could get internet access from.
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