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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Ok, so even if you don't know how your company did as a whole you know how well your client base did evidently. I asked for stuff like that at one point. You told me it was impossible. Perhaps I missed something as usual.
  2. Give them hell brothers, dog Obama out for anything you can think of. Don't let facts or reason stand in your way of your crusade. Twist, spin, distort, and even out right lie about stories about Obama's actions. Enjoy becoming what you said you despised. I think you should embrace this Change. All welcome the new Republican versions of Molson.
  3. My take, not that it matters, is you shouldn't bring family or children into it. The rest of this crap is blather.
  4. May I ask why you feel they should secede?
  5. Find? Considering they have been operating for a while, I would have thought our current president could find them. Best of luck to Obama, they seem elusive since the mighty hunter Bush failed. (note this is directed at only a few really conservative people.)
  6. Yah, you are Mr Objective. I remember all those posts where you lambasted Bush, god you were harsh.
  7. Oh, so you turn your wrench, while thinking about Japanese trannies? No offense, but, I don't wish you to drive me anywhere. Thanks though I just don't go that way, if I follow you correctly.
  8. Big fan of Japanese trannies are you?
  9. Mocking the president in a time of war is...well amusing. Good to know. The whole support your President bit seemed a bit restrictive to me.
  10. Bookmarked so I can heckle the conservatives when they emulate your post.
  11. LMAO You guys are great. I didn't want Obama as President. I voted Barr actually, but like it or not, Obama is our President-Elect. I love the rampant hypocrisy. Two months before he is President and this is Obama's fault. Yet on 9/11/01 it was still Bill Clinton's fault. The conservatives, without a party, on this board are awesome.
  12. I voted Barr as well. Odd that, lots of people that disagree voted for him.
  13. That's so brave of you to admit it.
  14. LMAO you are right. Nice poll. Increase Everything. 1) Natural Law Party 84% 2) Green Party 72% 3) Democratic Party 68% 4) Republican Party 56% 5) Reform Party 56% 6) Constitution Party 36% 7) Libertarian Party 4% Increase regulation of radio, TV, press, and internet content only. 1) Democratic Party 100% 2) Republican Party 100% 3) Natural Law Party 100% 4) Green Party 100% 5) Reform Party 100% 6) Constitution Party 100% 7) Libertarian Party 0% Oh and decrease for everything. 1) Libertarian Party 96% 2) Constitution Party 64% 3) Republican Party 44% 4) Reform Party 44% 5) Democratic Party 32% 6) Green Party 28% 7) Natural Law Party 16%
  15. It was a question, perhaps not the one you thought.
  16. Why do you think I am trying to irritate you? I agree give peace a chance brother.
  17. Well at least the Jets should end up tired.
  18. LMAO Raiders deserve to lose for that crap. Only its the jets... Damn choke artists.
  19. What makes you think I want you to go away? Defensive much?
  20. OMG what a coincidence. :lol: :lol:
  21. So what did you do when you got picked on?
  22. It actually seems reasonable and well thought out to me. Don't worry, someone will wander by and tell you why you are an idiot in a moment. Welcome to the board.
  23. I didn't expect you to get it. I was pointing out how you said you would have read it. That implies you did not. Then you referred to him being pimp. I bolded those two sections. If you go back and look at his OP the reference to him being pimp was the first sentence of his last paragraph. I simply italicized the two misspellings to irritate you. Glad you were able to pick up on that much at least. American ingenuity isn't going away while you are around is it? P.S. Nice quote job.
  24. Linkie 1400 kilos of meat Sounds like they only ate the bread too. How funny.
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