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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. One assumes the Russo-Japanese war.
  2. I genuinely worry about this country and Obama's financial ideas. I will wait to see what comes out before I go ballistic mind you. In the meantime, I am provided with this excellent entertainment. I love seeing what the conservative side is all about.
  3. I am sure you will be an objective judge too.
  4. You are the master at being technically correct while lying (through implication) through your !@#$ing teeth. Are you actually implying that Iraq is a sovereign state?
  5. You a a !@#$ing bigot, while being a terribly stupid ass at the same time. BTW how is that welfare working for your poor ass?
  6. You have the right to judge him in a biblical sense (no sex involved)?
  7. He is famously short actually. Think Napoleon...for more than one reason.
  8. You are far too generous to the Alaskan welfare queen.
  9. There is no way a rep told him that, unless of course the rep was on his or her last week. You should read some of his other posts.
  10. Is this a good idea?
  11. If you guys are going to roast him over that, you will love this. The announcer said that the Chief Justice got the words wrong.
  12. Shouldn't you have linked that as opposed to quoting it ? Did you feel it wasn't your right, seeing as how he never asked you?
  13. Sorry, I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic. I assume you are simply playing off what I said. Edit - NHH win big
  14. You brought it up. For the record, I find it an asinine idea to limit current property owner's land in either the commercial or residential districts with these "green" laws (quick everyone, if we all go plant 10 trees the global warming crisis is over). Still the precedent for laws similar to this is there. IMO worst case scenario, all current property holders should be exempt. If they want to limit new owners of new property, then those people can make an informed decision. Since he considers homosexual rape harassment, I would think that you are correct.
  15. I would actually prefer charges brought up on the ones we can. If we cannot, then the ones who can be extradited to some country where they can be brought up on some sort of charge, should go there. If we cannot bring any sort of charges against them, do we just keep them locked up indefinitely? If we are to keep them detained, do we keep all of them? Are they all guilty and there is no way to bring charges against them? I realize they have a murky legal status, one that needs to be resolved in some fashion. I would prefer we not stoop to being North Korea.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090113/ap_on_...bit_infestation
  17. Reading what you want to read is pretty prevalent around here.
  18. Does that mean we should treat them like North Korea would?
  19. Then explain it to us. Make sure to use small words and type slowly. It should be interesting to see "two" "conservatives" who aren't "republican" explain the matter.
  20. BLZFAN4LIFE - 2 ieatcrayonz - 0
  21. And here I thought you were AD. He has never been this stupid though.
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