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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. No offense, but you two are hardly paragons of moderation. You both dog liberals every chance you get, say the republicans are almost as bad, yet never direct your humor their way. JMO, prove me wrong with links.
  2. Blocking who? Were you talking to someone?
  3. Agreed on the bolded. Do you agree that the taxation on the wealthy is a myth? At least the higher percentage part that is. Obviously there is taxation.
  4. That is sorta my point, only I had hoped GG would say something stupid, Unlikely, but it could happen. Thanks. Whatever, I never want to hear sh-- again about how the rich are taxed unfairly.
  5. Just stop. You aren't constructive and in fact represent the Dems poorly. You are an argument against the dems and not for them. You are the equivalent of Wacka. Now hush.
  6. I am middle class and pay around the same rate and when you factor in SS, I pay a higher percentage. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't their percentage capped on SS?
  7. You are just mad because you are excluded from the group due to your non partisanship. On a serious note, if you are near Anchorage, good luck, that applies obviously for Jim in Anchorage. Best of luck to him.
  8. Of course not, Cheney had an assistant move it.
  9. "Maxwell Smart becomes President" The first one was so good they did a sequel. Fans (of both actors) may be severely disappointed in the third movie of this series as the comedic gold of the original actor seems far superior to the replacement actor. Rumors abound that the new movie will bomb (opened in Pakistan to mixed reviews) quickly.
  10. I have lots of respect for honest cops. I think they are great people and true heroes on many occasions. They do screw up though, especially with young cops. They make errors in judgment. I have seen cops hit people when they didn't have to. I have seen SWAT teams (Navy Seals too for that matter) come into my bar and get drunk as hell and drive 40 miles to a casino or down the road to a strip club. I was at a strip club one night at 3:20 am (beer sales cut off at 3 by city ordinance) and got a beer from the bottle only poured into a mug. Being a bartender I know this is illegal. I turn around and there is a cop two feet in front of me. I edge around him and ask the waitress how they got away with it. Since I knew a few people that worked there and we were tipping fat, she may have been telling the truth when she said, "Oh don't worry we pay them off." I went to that club maybe 25 times over about a 5 year span. Every instance I was there I saw massive law violations. Someone opens the door to the women's bathroom (or you get pulled in there by a stripper) and there about 3-4 people doing coke. In the back room there would be on average about 12 couples breaking the law with contact. 2-3 would be in a back corner getting more intimate than a lap dance. This club was considered a top 50 club nationally at least and was all of a block from the precinct station. In a massive 3 year investigation, they uncovered evidence of drugs and prostitution and were finally able to close down the place. I think it cost about 250k for the investigation, but worst cast scenario using OCin math it was at least 20k.
  11. I imagine Tom would have been a short lived scientist. Someone would ask him to run the electricity on the genitals experiment and he would revolt. Mind you, because it was a stupid experiment.
  12. I agree with you. I would reply to the JP character, but when I did that recently to someone on a vacation, a certain Mod's fat fingers gave me an unintentional break too. Family should be left out period in all but the most joking of circumstances. That was far from it and was seriously one of the most asinine posts I have ever read on PPP.
  13. That is a beat down. Good job.
  14. Internal chargeback. I have no clue what she makes.
  15. Actually I found out the reason. As long as it isn't my problem, I am cool with it. They had to upgrade the server again. So the upgrade isn't being charged to my department and it was the majority of the time. I just have like 6 more extensions I want added and I was going to have no chance of that happening for a long time if each one was going to run like 4,000 dollars.
  16. And you are a programmer IIRC. 106.5 hours seems a bit much right?
  17. This extension was to be added to our company wiki. From my understanding, they paste in the code, make some adjustments due to individual server settings and done. Does anyone have any idea how long this should take? I have the feeling our department is getting way over billed at 106.50 hours and it still does not work.
  18. You do not know her. Sure, she stereotypes and is a partisan B word (still calling her a woman), but at least she isn't a racist who is ashamed to even man up to it like yourself.
  19. Damn, you are really obsessed with gay stuff. No matter why, that cannot be healthy.
  20. Ok, I don't like you, but that was good. BTW fairly sure Boomer is "The Whale" or Blubber boy as I remember him.
  21. We did a blind taste test of beer lovers in the fraternity I was in. We had fine beers such as Milwaukee's Best (Beast), Bud Light, Schaeffer's Lite and some other crappy beer. Mind you, this was keg stuff, but no one got all of them right. The funny ones were where they said the same name twice for the four samples. Good times.
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