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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. No worries. Just find it interesting that an even more horrible story (the lady probably wouldn't have lived) where a cop detains someone until she kicks off over expired tags, draws zero attention. Methinks I am just messing with you
  2. Then they could have provided aid as they would be right on the scene...
  3. My first thought when I read the full exchange was how many people were at the "event".
  4. For a man that smokes weed, you are sorta uptight. Glad you had a take on the other story I mentioned.
  5. Our politicians at work
  6. I live in the area, (I posted this in the OTW thread, but I think he posted this first) and people are really ticked about this one. Only no apology, no tremendous embarrassment, no investigation that we know of. One cop (maybe he is a troll and not a cop) had the gall to post on the Commercial Appeal board that it was his fault for letting his tags expire. A mere 12 days to boot.
  7. Happy Bday, you do a tremendous service for this board.
  8. http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2009/...short-man-says/ Not an NFL player, but this story is local around here and lots of condemnation. Only not even a review of the officers actions. No big, county needs the revenue after all.
  9. Anyone that has a 401k? Are you serious?
  10. I can see your point as he was talking out his ass. However, as a fiscally conservative Alaskan, what is your take on the money spent?
  11. Well spoken. I disagree that God doesn't play a role, but otherwise, I agree.
  12. You are sorta obsessive. Are you rich? Btw, I think that tax rates should be fairly even. We probably just disagree on what is a tax.
  13. He was injury prone, he hurt himself falling on a football for god's sake (did I mention unlucky?). RJ lost that game for us, how many sacks did he give up? 6-7? Flutie was more capable (adequate at best), but a distraction. They both sucked, but at least we do know what would have happened if RJ was in charge. I seriously doubt Flutie get's sacked as much as RJ in that game. Now, do I blame the STs on that last play? Of course.
  14. As long as they don't name it the Kawachi.
  15. Link?
  16. It is pretty bad when Sarah Palin can make you look like an idiot about an interview.
  17. I understand the benefit is capped too (I was unaware about the self employed bit) but when we are unlikely to ever receive a single benefit from it, it simply becomes another tax. There are tons of taxes that impact the poor and middle class more than they do the well off and above. Only as you grow wealthier, you tend to make more money off your investments than your actual income. So it isn't as simple as you guys try to make it, and it isn't as one sided either.
  18. Purely from memory, so someone with the comic handy correct me. He handcuffs the guy to a spot (I think the furnace the little girl was burned in), sets the house on fire and throws him a hacksaw. Says something like, "It will take you 10 minutes to cut through the handcuffs. Only two to cut through your wrist, the fire will kill you in less than five. I doubt you have what it takes to live." Then he walks out, and there is an agonized scream, the guy never makes it out. A very chilling moment in the book and the movie didn't do it justice IMO.
  19. I listen to Rush around 20 minutes a day. I give him credit for what he does well, which is distort things. He lies or distorts things so that the statistic doesn't mean what he says it means. He quote articles saying stuff like, "If this is true" and then expounds on the idea assuming it is. The man used to be a pimp for a farm league baseball team for god's sake. You think he would be a little more humble and understanding considering his own issues. He (thanks to the Dems who do tons of stupid stuff) spaces this out with genuine and deserved criticism. His shows should have the tagline someone else suggested "For entertainment purposes only". So if you want to call him a commentator, knock yourself out. I suppose the standards have fallen that low. AD nailed it. Sad commentary that John Stewart is currently one of our best and most hard hitting interviewers.
  20. Only you aren't factoring in SS which is capped.
  21. You really aren't very good at this, but I give you credit for trying. Making a video reference? Regarding the pats? Are you insane?
  22. If you agree we have a tax rate that is the same for all but the poor why do you harp on it so much? Serious question. As to the poor paying 20 percent of their income on taxes, that is pretty close when you factor in sales tax of 9.25% like they have in Tn.
  23. Link? I doubt you can produce one as that would make them below the minimum salary cap for the NFL.
  24. No, the difference is Rush forgot he is an entertainer. Idiots follow him thinking he is a commentator.
  25. We have a flat tax rate for the majority of the country. My opinion of you dwindles by the day when you lie like this.
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