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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Care to name those posters and point out where they lied?
  2. So you understood nothing of the debate. Awesome.
  3. Look, don't get wrapped up in that, the key fact is she is a slut.
  4. Whatever, I didn't make **** up. I substituted Mexican for illegal. But have fun posting this for the next 432 time you mention me. I like that idea.
  5. But it wasn't about sex primarily. She was talking about how the pill has uses for women's health other than avoiding pregnancy. Although frankly, I think the latter is very economical. So he completely mischaracterized her points and then calls her a slut based on the mischaracteration. Typical Rush, but I only cared enough to tweet about it once other than to post here.
  6. Because I frankly don't care. I had fun riling you and others up. I also had legitimate points. If he is now willing to say that he was just expressing concern for a mentality that wants to shoot illegals in the head after they have been victimized, then fine. It is not what his initial post said and that is what I took exception to. Yes, but that feeling is not new.
  7. So it is only the ones who have been assaulted or are afraid of illegals you were expressing an opinion for? I guess you missed his point that there are some that have a palpable need to shoot illegals and presumably under any circumstance. With that said, if that is what you meant, then cool. My apologies. Might help if you clarify things quicker in the future.
  8. Time to kill? Actually, I think Rush is bad for the whole process. I think Maher is an asshat and if we were talking about the Sara Palin bit and I had time to kill I would be condemning him.
  9. Rush apologizes: Yeah, calling her a slut was an analogy. Implying she needed 3k a year to have rampant sex was an analogy. Poor Rush, soon he will need to be looking at Glenn Beck's sponsors.
  10. I have posted what he said at least twice. Stop being stupid.
  11. Yeah, I am the only one who noticed. Edit - Please keep evading discussing how you actually feel, I am sure that is a winning strategy with your initial comment.
  12. I am only a liberal compared to you, but then you think Genghis Khan was a bit soft. Quit dancing with the illegal bit, you know what he meant. He has had ample opportunity to clarify and refuses to do so.
  13. Then clarify your statement. You have been given multiple opportunities to do so and have failed.
  14. Nope, was that what JiA said? Nope.
  15. So who do you think he was talking about? I grant you the distinction that other "brown skins" are here than Mexicans. I am guessing that the color of their skin matters far more than their nationality does to Jim. Could be wrong, he might be willing to kill anyone. See above.
  16. Oh and insults aren't going to make me angry. Your opinion of me matters little. In fact, if you are insulting me, I tend to think I must be right. Because while you may have the occasional point, you are nothing more than a Republican talking point memo. Think for yourself for once. DiE is a racist and I expressed my view that he should be banned for it, but when the majority of the board said no, I dropped the idea. As to whether racism is a fall back position, that is true in a lot of cases. I grant you that. In this case it is justified. He still ain't coming off the statement that he thinks a bullet to the head is the solution in the case of running across an illegal.
  17. What race do you think he meant when he said that he was happy to see a bullet to the head for being an illegal immigrant? Explain how his statements are idiotic, but not racist please. I should note that he had a chance to recant, but refused.
  18. Well, I would rather find someone else than a racist bastard no matter my inclination. Since you seem wed to one, I wish you all the best.
  19. His reply: Keep supporting him. It speaks volumes about your own character.
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