Thanks for being the caricature the right on this board portray as liberals. So it is ok for Obama to screw up since Bush did it? Past decisions of Presidents, when wrong, should not be used to justify present decisions if they are the same choice only multiplied.
So to make it simple:
Bush spending too much money was a bad thing. Bush invading Iraq was a bad thing.
Obama spending a lot more money than Bush is a worse thing. If Obama invades 3 middle eastern countries (unlikely thankfully) that is a worse thing.
As to the topic of this thread, I do not see it as weakness to change decisions after more information is revealed or further arguments are presented. In fact, I consider it a strong sign of character, if a correct decision is made. I would actually consider it part of the reason those in charge (could be politicians, could be executives) tend to be noncommittal until they gather tons of info. Obama is striving for transparency, he may find that a tough balancing act when dealing with issues like this. An executive of any type that changes decisions frequently however, will not fare well.
I must have missed something. Correct me if I am wrong, but hasn't flip-flopping been used mainly by the conservatives of late?