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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I do. I also think that it meshes nicely with the bible if you aren't strict about interpretation. I also believe in a God, if not necessarily the one straight from the bible. Of course that falls nicely into the true strength of religion. I mean that it is an article of faith, you either believe or you don't. Just my take.
  2. There is a 50/50 chance Tom would have said the same thing. BTW waiting on results of whether the Hustlers have a shot at the #1 seed. Do you not miss that at all?
  3. No, of course he doesn't. Dick Cheney simply lied about it all. Why would he need to coerce false information?
  4. Can anyone find proof that waterboarding was done to more than 3 prisoners? 3 complete and utter scumbags? Or are we arguing over what was done to those three? Let's make sure we are all on the same page and know what we are talking about before we proceed.
  5. Right, only no one researched it? The ramifications of that phone call? I am referring to them unblocking the images btw.
  6. Thought I was pretty clear in my post that I agreed with you to some extent and that sharing the info was a bad idea.
  7. I agree with the first bit (I watch Discovery). However, I seriously doubt Biden is a target (unless Obama decides to bump him off). Is it possible there are other important things there? There probably are and I can see it being on a list of targets, just low on the list. Question, was this pixellated before. I probably got the address wrong, but I think this is an image of a nuclear power plant in the state I work in. I combined my answer to your last point with my answer to GG. I actually think it is a mistake to unblock satellite imagery of military installations. I would guess that cost money to do, seeing as how Bush's policy was already in place. Possibly not much, a few thousand dollars perhaps, although my guess is tack on a few zeroes. I cannot see any benefit for the images to be available, except possibly demonstrating that the US is more open and free now. Somehow, I doubt that made a blip on the popularity scale on a global level. As to the military viewing Obama's policies as potentially hostile, I would not be shocked to see fairly huge cuts to the military (Navy and Air Force first) in the next few years. Something has to give budget wise and that is my guess what will have to go. There have been some cuts, but I expect more dramatic ones.
  8. Right, I am willing to listen to you on military matters, except you are really trolling. ie no real substance, despite your actual knowledge. Somehow I doubt it is part of Obama's master plan to let the military be attacked.
  9. Not even comparatively do you rank as Einstein. Schroedinger's cat maybe.
  10. It is especially funny when you consider global warming. Not that I believe it is necessarily completely man-made, but LMAO.
  11. Gee, from the oceans to everything that moves to avians. Well that is clearly false. I mean dinosaurs were reptiles. Science has known this for going on two centuries...
  12. Nice line, horrible movie from a bartender's perspective. Although the Cuba Libra scene was cute. When the bar is packed 12 deep and it takes both bartenders two minutes to make one shot...
  13. Does that mean the Giants will inherit the Earth?
  14. I should note btw, that if the beer is still being served after closing time, it is probably illegal. Not that it doesn't happen, I remember one whole restaurant management staff fired for such. I served people after the legal time on more than one occasion. A local DJ who has some national prominence was complaining about such recently, yet I remember him being very demanding about being served well after closing time. In his defense, who stops drinking at midnight...
  15. Yeah, nothing says class like mocking peoples faith.
  16. *Starts to reply, but remembers what Tom said. Welcome to ignore, just you and Skooby.
  17. You are kidding right? It is a spoof. Not terribly well done, but good for a laugh here and there.
  18. That is great, I can tell my friend of 25 years who is a NE fan you come here because we are cooler (to paraphrase).
  19. That was an excellent post. I mean that in all sincerity and while I will probably disagree somewhat with the politics, that is my exact gripe with Democrats. Oh and with Republicans too. Hell, I voted for Bush in 2000.
  20. Time will tell. Eventually, we will find out at least some of the motivations behind it all. I think that the administration (not necessarily Bush) was at the very least, lukewarm on the idea. There were lots of reasons to do so mind you: It was an unstable influence in the region It was a convenient target, in that a majority of the world (not the other powers that be, that have a vested interest...France, Russia, China) held a dim view of the country, especially in the Middle East region. It occupies a strategic point in the Middle East, allowing the country that controls it a lot of power in the region. The other 432 reasons the Bush administration listed. Did Bush do what he thought was right? Probably. Is Obama doing what he thinks is right? Probably. I have a feeling history will not be kind to either.
  21. I have calmed quite a bit on my take of Bush with time, but that seems a bit much.
  22. Do you post on other AFC East forums? If so, how do you find the time? Or are we (Lori at a guess) special? BTW, I really enjoy your posts and am glad you are here. Your description of how a story is made at ESPN and the process it entails, was extremely interesting.
  23. Dammit, I was just about to say crack dealer.
  24. Fine, put them in jail too. I wish it was actually a crime to mislead the public.
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