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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I don't think they make tons of money off regular transactions. They pay less than the actual cost of the charge, but the percentage is pretty small (1-3% or so). I guess as a yearly return that is pretty good. What else? Honest question. Edit-I went to wiki and it seems I nailed the percentage. That plus a fee they charge the merchants is their profit if you pay the balance every month.
  2. God, you are an idiot. It is Crayonz.
  3. Make it several.
  4. Signed, although it should be undo not undue from the sentence.
  5. After which you two will (at least in your fantasies) tussle a bit before making love.
  6. Thanks Fez, you rock.
  7. You do work with numbers right? What part of centuries later escapes you?
  8. Excellent post. Oh and you misspelled immediately. I recommend an immediate upgrade to Firefox.
  9. He isn't an extremist probably. He simply trolls looking for a response. On occasion he posts as himself, the trick is knowing when.
  10. Aren't you ruling out possible advances in science? A greater understanding of how the universe works? I am not saying it is likely or even achievable in my son's lifetime. Just a possibility. Are you actually saying that if there is a God, science can never prove it? Not even in centuries from now? Sure this is way hypothetical (or BS if you prefer), I am simply curious as to your take. I understand what you mean by empirical, but if we can demonstrate there is a design every time...
  11. Hmm pregnant, probably temperamental model or football. We are !@#$ed!
  12. Isn't it possible science might one day be able to prove that God exists (assuming one does)? Of course, since it is based on faith, it is impossible for science to disprove it.
  13. Did you just call Lori a guy?
  14. Give them time. They are self centered vicious creatures. Oh and I have had several over my lifetime (easier to care for than dogs and great pets). I just know them.
  15. Service with a snarl.
  16. Is this bad for the recovery? Probably. Is it necessary? I am not sure. I do think deceptive practices are complete and utter BS. Hell, I deal with customers who can't understand why they get billed every month on the same day. So shifting it around and adding extra mysterious fees? In all likelihood, the legislation will hurt as it was crafted by the fine geniuses in Washington. I simply thought his post disingenuous. This cracks me up.
  17. Aren't you an accountant? Because the ones that pay off their debt every month have an option. Those who have a lot of credit card debt find their options more restricted.
  18. Training does max at 14. My guess on the contract offers is that you got spammed. IOWs, desperate GMs/Owners start with the list of FAs and just go down the line copy/pasting offers to everyone at a given position. We had to gut the team as we learned how bad we had mangled our builds spending points so early on SAs. In USA AA we were competitive (went 11-5 I think), I doubt we could have made the pros though. The slow build approach has been pretty good to us. Assuming we advance this season, it was part 1 of a 2 step process. Many of our old players will be returning, only as the STs unit using the ST VA to make them effective. Oh and I think Smokie is coming back to finish his career.
  19. That is option #3 and #4 combined. Thanks for proving my point.
  20. You have to be drunk, you usually post somewhat better than this. Go cookout or something...wait, order Pizza as that seems safer.
  21. Either you started drinking quickly, never read OTW, have some odd mindset that thinks a company he cared about and worked for meant nothing, or you are being mean. In the unlikely case it was the second choice, he worked there and was devoted to the company.
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