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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Past tense includes anything that happened in the past. It does not magically mean anything that happened before she got pregnant. I brought that up for you. You never said it. You are the one who got pedantic about past and present tense. I have already provided a link showing how she is advocating for abstinence now (and in the past even if only a few days or weeks). Sucks when someone parses your writing doesn't it?
  2. Skipped over a bit there brother. Technically, you were incorrect as she has (past tense) advocated abstinence.
  3. I don't think it makes much difference one way or another who is the "leader". A good sign that so many showed up, voted, and even rioted. I have more faith in the Iranians than the North Koreans. At least the Iranians would probably revolt if the Mullahs did something insane. I disagree with tons of Obama's policies, but the right wing cheering of what they perceive as a failure of diplomacy speaks volumes.
  4. Prisoners then came out and loaded another truck... Just saying, it is possible.
  5. What is more disturbing to me is how many people instantly assume it is the rape of the minor. When I heard the joke, I thought of the 18 year old.
  6. Only in the past tense, she has advocated for abstinence. You mean, she didn't do so before she got pregnant. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. I assume you meant before she got pregnant. Dave made it quite clear in his followup who he was talking about. Will you not extend him the same courtesy?
  7. Past as opposed to present tense? So your contention is that Bristol wasn't advocating abstinence when she got pregnant? So no hypocrisy when she advocates it now, as she has presumably learned something from her own personal experience? If so, I would agree. You might want to make that more clear though. Pity you won't apply the same reasonable attitude to Dave's joke (tasteless and unfunny as it was) and instead assume he is referring to a "Rape of a 14 year old".
  8. You should run with that idea. I suggest posting it continuously no matter what the thread is about.
  9. Really? I think Dave made a mistake and should have left Bristol out of it. I always think family is out of bounds. I found it hysterical to hear Rush saying so though. He said something like, "They never did this to the Clintons."
  10. Yeah, because gorillas are known for their big hips????
  11. Ok, the full video mitigates it somewhat. The smart play would still have been to let her sign the ticket after she says she would. Of course order must be maintained, this should send a message to all those combative 72 year olds.
  12. Ok, lets put it this way (just to be clear for the slow witted, EIII evidently), if the book says you should taser a 72 year old woman, it is wrong. They say the new tasers are safer, but bets on whether a PD in Texas has them?
  13. Yes, because training covers all contingencies and orders should always be followed. There is no room for deviation. Agreed?
  14. I meant I was agreeing with you.
  15. Yes, I have been all through these threads about cops complaining about them. I already addressed your point in my post.
  16. See my post above.
  17. I blame the Taser company for not outlining the issues with the weapon. I fully understand that a cop's job can be dangerous and very trying. However, I (I am 40 and smaller than that cop, but not by much if any) could easily stand in front of a 72 year old woman and not let her get to the road. Yes, even in my feeble state nowadays, I could handle her trying to knee me in the balls or claw my face. If she had a heart condition, she could have died. This does not even begin to cover the two shoves. I mean damn, give her a solid hug and she is going nowhere. A video of him hugging the woman kindly, even if she claims assault, looks way better than her screaming as she writhes on the ground. I still want the full video, but without a whole hell of a lot of evidence in the cop's favor (and I mean her threatening to cut him to pieces and then going after his family or something similar) he should be fired. A terrible sense of judgment IMO.
  18. Did you read the rest of my post or just skip over that?
  19. I too would like to see the whole clip, I hate the way it is parsed up and there is a gap. However, when he shoves her, it is 14:21:26 and after she agrees to sign it, she is not heading for the road. She is stationary. She only starts moving to the side of the road at 14:22:26. If someone did this to my mom (close to the same age), I would likely do something incredibly foolish.
  20. Well, that seemed perfectly justified to me. She could have been a criminal. They are crafty and wear disguises. Umm, he gets fired and she lives out what is left of her life with tons of money IMO.
  21. Also at the Phoenix airport: We had a conference there and we had this new manual for our Distributors. We sold like 5,000 of them. They came twenty to a box, so we used box cutters to open them. Well, I had tons of other stuff to do so simply stuck the box cutter in my back pocket and forgot about them. I traveled light, so all I had was a carry on. Well, I put all my dirty clothes in the carry on and board the plane. I get back home, unpack and as I throw the pants on the floor, I hear this clink. I open up the pocket and there are, you guessed it, two box cutters.
  22. I work in Memphis, so I asked several people after I saw this thread to see how people felt. The general consensus was Rendezvous for Ribs and Interstate for pulled pork. Pity you weren't here a few weeks ago for Barbeque Fest.
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