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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Two guys ended up puking. I was a little behind the others in the drinking and I remember this one guy who kept saying he could out drink me...as his head slipped towards the table...
  2. I am in charge of keeping all that stuff on our corporate wiki. Not hotels though. I do not think it was the Sheraton. I will check tomorrow if you think you might know the bartender.
  3. The convention center was at 300 East Ocean Boulevard Long Beach, California 90802 Damn if I remember the name of the hotel though...
  4. LOL I got that in Long Beach. They (people from my office) said, "You should pick, you're the expert." We had been drinking for about 5 hours straight. I walk into the hotel bar and ask for his specialty drink. He poured 5 shots of 151. That separated the men from the boys.
  5. Actually, I agree with that. The worst to make were coffee drinks IMO. 4-5 liquors and then you pour regular black coffee on it add whip cream in many cases. Who is going to taste the liquor?
  6. I am actually picturing a lot of them going, "What is this Twitter?"
  7. I am not arguing whether you think it is vodka, I am showing that this trend is hardly new. They called it Vodka for centuries while adding ingredients to it for flavor. They break it down into clear and flavored vodkas.
  8. Actually, as I said, it was similar to another shooter. I was targeting it towards women. You do raise an excellent point otherwise though...
  9. What part of, you weren't my target audience do you not get?
  10. Wasn't for me. Of course I did use all those vodkas that aren't vodkas. When I drink straight shots, I drink Rumplemintz or chilled Stoli or Grey Goose.. So you can tease me about my peppermint schnapps if you want, of course it is 101 proof schnapps... What no reply to this?
  11. Actually, it is quite smooth. It has a very fruity taste. It does tend to clock in at around 60 proof though. So the guys had reason to order them for the girls.
  12. Well, I prefer Stoli as well. Tom is sorta right, in that Vodka (the word) is derived from water. Still, when drunk neat, vodka does have a distinct taste. Chilling it cuts the taste. There have been flavored vodkas in the past though. http://www.cocktailtimes.com/dictionary/history_vodka.shtml Oh and Tom, I know you will say they aren't vodkas, but... http://www.allbusiness.com/company-activit.../5208199-1.html We bought blue curacao one time. It was an accident and no one else in our chain carried it. The manager announced a contest to create a new drink. The other bartenders all wanted to get rid of it, so we agreed to use it in our contest to try and get rid of it (it is really just blue triple sec) as usually none of those drinks catch on. So I created one that was: 1/4 ounce of Stoli Citros (Citrus) Stoli Cranberi (Cranberry) Stoli Ohranj (Orange) Stoli Strasberi (Strawberry) Blue Curacao Splash of sour Splash of OJ Splash of 7 up It was actually pretty close to some other shooter whose name escapes me. Well, I rolled my drink out. The girls from the other restaurants (we had a huge restaurant crowd) loved it. In fact, it became so popular that we had to order more blue curacao. My original name for it was Cloudy Windex (remember I never expected it to get popular) but it got changed. One of the other bartenders complained to me he was getting requests for it and asked me how to make it. I told him the name and he said it sounds more like a Pain In The Ass (eight ingredients). So right after that I started having people call it that. I was able to get them to shorten it to PITA. My then wife (now ex) came in one night and said, "Oh is that your new drink? Did you name it after me?" I was able to reply, "Why yes dear."
  13. Swing and a miss. He did have the good Kobe reference to be fair.
  14. Huge difference in those two statements. I laugh when people get silly and way overboard. "The terrorist granny almost shoved me into traffic. Sob Sob." Yeah. that cop is useful... I should note that I am being intentionally overboard.
  15. Add it up for us champ. I guess it does come to this. You are saying he was right to taser a 72 year old woman he was literally twice as big as. I say it wasn't. If he cannot gently subdue a 72 year old woman then he has no business on the force. The obvious best tactic was to let the old lady sign the ticket when she finally agreed to, not take it to the max by the book. "She refused to sign the ticket, granny is going down!"
  16. It might matter. The voters there are pretty ticked. The guys really in charge have to be a bit concerned.
  17. Damn, I magnified that to the max on a 24" monitor. Not much wrong there, a bulge or two, how do you think she got the job?
  18. Ok, I missed the joke, what knees?
  19. I assumed so. I was replying to blzrul who seemed to take it at face value. In fact, if you check back I took my own shot at him (Pearlhowardman)
  20. I googled it. It is a porn film with a look-alike. Some funny lines though as crass and tasteless as it may be.
  21. It is a tiny scar. One that looks like it would heal in a week or so.
  22. You said didn't which is past tense. However, it does not establish what time period you mean in the past. That is my point. If you are going to rip someone apart over what is meant vs what someone can read into what was said, you should be much more specific. IMO anyway.
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