Well, I prefer Stoli as well. Tom is sorta right, in that Vodka (the word) is derived from water. Still, when drunk neat, vodka does have a distinct taste. Chilling it cuts the taste. There have been flavored vodkas in the past though. http://www.cocktailtimes.com/dictionary/history_vodka.shtml
Oh and Tom, I know you will say they aren't vodkas, but...
We bought blue curacao one time. It was an accident and no one else in our chain carried it. The manager announced a contest to create a new drink. The other bartenders all wanted to get rid of it, so we agreed to use it in our contest to try and get rid of it (it is really just blue triple sec) as usually none of those drinks catch on.
So I created one that was:
1/4 ounce of
Stoli Citros (Citrus)
Stoli Cranberi (Cranberry)
Stoli Ohranj (Orange)
Stoli Strasberi (Strawberry)
Blue Curacao
Splash of sour
Splash of OJ
Splash of 7 up
It was actually pretty close to some other shooter whose name escapes me.
Well, I rolled my drink out. The girls from the other restaurants (we had a huge restaurant crowd) loved it. In fact, it became so popular that we had to order more blue curacao. My original name for it was Cloudy Windex (remember I never expected it to get popular) but it got changed. One of the other bartenders complained to me he was getting requests for it and asked me how to make it. I told him the name and he said it sounds more like a Pain In The Ass (eight ingredients). So right after that I started having people call it that. I was able to get them to shorten it to PITA. My then wife (now ex) came in one night and said, "Oh is that your new drink? Did you name it after me?" I was able to reply, "Why yes dear."