I disagree with the policy, but at least Rush had the grace to say. "I don't want to be dramatic here." before he called it socialistic and explained it would take all our freedoms away. Not you, no you feel the need to go straight over the top without a disclaimer.
For the record, I think it is a dumb idea for government to be in charge of insurance. Barring the idea of farming it out to private companies, which isn't on the table and I am unsure it would work, I say we let it be. Our economy is just now beginning to show signs of recovery. We have the devaluation of the dollar to consider, and the doubt of our foreign investors.
Still, you are a putz Wacka.
Edit - Fastback, you have to realize that joke was funny when most of us were kids. When you get out of your teens, it isn't as funny.
Now when you inevitably reply that you are 40+ I will answer something along the lines of "Well, let me know when your emotional maturity catches up." You will in all likelihood insult my manhood. I will shrug and we will move on.
I say the above in the hopes of staving off the incipient flame war that will result. Every post kills a penguin (what with global warming and all, hey there's good news for you Tom) you know
Oh and to be honest, I am drunk. Ice cold Stoli btw. I had an odd craving. I almost did Grey Goose L'Orange, but that isn't vodka.