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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Are you sure?
  2. You do know he is a troll, right?
  3. So let me get this straight...umm no pun intended You: Like to take pictures of old barns Like to cook fancy recipes Like to try out different wines Live in California Umm
  4. Sorry, I am confused...what is this thread about?
  5. Gee that would be weird since I agree with you on most issues. Well, other than your propensity to smack people around...
  6. John, let me start this out by saying I have the utmost sympathy for your son. As a father, I can also understand your pain in seeing something you wanted for your child disappear. As a person, I can feel his pain somewhat as I blew out my ACL a few years back. It is mostly normal now, but I think I preferred the broken leg from a couple of years before. With that said, I think the usual people who are generally harsh have showed a lot of restraint. I would suggest, it may not feel that way at the moment. In some cases, ir was probably painful... And with that said, considering what John is like (what I can glean from his posts), isn't it likely he talked football mainly when discussing his son? I mean this is a football board. So if he left out the bits about arguing with his son about grades, who could blame him? I heard he is expected to take 2-3 weeks to regain use of his acid tongue. Of course, he claims he is a quick healer...
  7. Alina Kabayeva who is a former gymnast and a member of the Russian Parliament begs to differ. Possibly NSFW
  8. The USPS. Of course after that, I got nothing.
  9. Says the man named Wacka.
  10. Oh and winner so far IMO.
  11. Tom, you have a record of fading out when you are wrong, please do so now. Thanks. I am far from an Obama apologist, and watching the video makes it clear that the picture is misleading. With that said, my caption is, "Hi, ever been on Air Force One?"
  12. That was so true. "And you hated the guy who had a zero in his phone number." Excellent video The outcome was sorta predictable, but still sad.
  13. I (vaguely) understand a dos attack (we had several on our systems). Nice summation btw from what I know. I realize it does not compromise data. However, doesn't it downgrade the performance of the overall network? I guess that is my main question, that and it is sorta embarrassing. Edit-North Koreans a suspect? "We launch missiles and take down your websites! North Korea will destroy the US!" (not a real quote) Seems they may have had something to do with it after all.
  14. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090708/ap_on_...us_cyber_attack Damn North Koreans! No seriously, WTF? That is some serious websites. I read we were unprepared for this sort of thing. I understand that there is not necessarily a loss of data. No clue of how much of the system was effected. Still sorta
  15. BTW, fairly convinced he is a sock puppet.
  16. Translation: I love you, but you are on your own Tim. I personally don't care about Spygate. I think they got a marginal advantage from it at best. None of the other allegations have ever been proven (tampering with radios and such). Mind you, didn't stop me from unloading on a *Pats fan who made fun of my Bills. Put me in the category of people who lost respect of, and interest in, the NFL due to the excuse used. Oh well, everyone does it. Even my team? Sure there have been individual scumbags on the team doing much worse things, but my team is filled with cheaters? Well, if you guys say so...
  17. Sadly, someone will wander by and agree with you...
  18. Nice title. Sorta throw's a whole new spin on things. "McNair's girlfriend purchased two nights before murders..." There is a perfectly acceptable thread you could have posted this in.
  19. Medical examiner: Shot that killed Sahel Kazemi fired from close range
  20. Hey my mother doesn't dress me, I look this foolish on my own.
  21. Yeah, I just felt bad after I posted the first link. I think it will be ugly unless it was some random killing which will just be tragic then.
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