John, let me start this out by saying I have the utmost sympathy for your son. As a father, I can also understand your pain in seeing something you wanted for your child disappear. As a person, I can feel his pain somewhat as I blew out my ACL a few years back. It is mostly normal now, but I think I preferred the broken leg from a couple of years before.
With that said, I think the usual people who are generally harsh have showed a lot of restraint. I would suggest, it may not feel that way at the moment. In some cases, ir was probably painful...
And with that said, considering what John is like (what I can glean from his posts), isn't it likely he talked football mainly when discussing his son? I mean this is a football board. So if he left out the bits about arguing with his son about grades, who could blame him?
I heard he is expected to take 2-3 weeks to regain use of his acid tongue. Of course, he claims he is a quick healer...