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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. The answer I found here seems a bit odd. Essentially, it seems (well what the article contends) that they have contracts with these dealers. The contracts may call for them to produce a certain type of car. This may be a type of car they want to phase out. The cost savings would come from making fewer types of cars. I am not sure I buy that though. First off the article itself is very fuzzy on the whole issue. Second, people asked very reasonable questions about the article and the author never responded. Edit - On further thought I removed my comment about amending contracts. If you cut scale you can't have a dealer turn into another type of dealer in an already morbid sales period. This brings up a host of questions: How was the decision made as to which dealerships to close? What dealerships are closed and what types of dealerships were they? What types of cars are going to be phased out? Do they amend the contracts of the remaining dealers to carry other types of cars?
  2. Well, unless he was a liberal, right?
  3. So are you really quitting?
  4. This sort of thing just writes itself.
  5. I don't want to know how you know that...
  6. So she stuck the weiner in the wrong way? Poor thing, I bet she feels very pained about the incident.
  7. Wacka is a liberal now? Damn, can't tell the players w/o a scorecard.
  8. Link http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2009...-anchorman-dies
  9. You're losing your touch. You should have referenced something about monkeys and typewriters.
  10. Umm LA you may want to work on your google fu.
  11. I know a guy who works for a company named NSA in the Internal Affairs department.
  12. I know. I have taken the approach that it is for the better in the long run (when did I become my parents?). I hate it with every fiber of my being, but I learn what my child loves, so I can take it away from him when he doesn't do what is right. Not fair, cool, or what I ever wanted. He is a willful brat though (13) and whipping is out as it never made an impression and he is too old now anyway. If you do make the ultimatum, you need to track him every day and warn him if he slips. If he fails to meet the goals, you have to yank him. Again, just my opinion. If you ever need a sympathetic ear, just shoot a PM. I agree that parenting is hard, but there are so many priceless moments as rewards.
  13. Memory starting to slip? Or is that self induced?
  14. Quite possibly, and then the real fun begins. Hey, maybe investing in alternative forms of energy was smarter than we thought.
  15. You do not see any issue with that whatsoever? You think Iran should be allowed to build nuclear weapons? If so, why?
  16. I wasn't on Drudge. I heard it from a local conservative hack on the drive home, who probably got it from Drudge. When I say hack it is not because of his politics by the way. Just an example, he was talking about the health care bill yesterday. He said, "And anyone that is 400% above the poverty line will get a health insurance credit." He then proceeded to talk about it and at least twice said, "These people are 400 times above the poverty level." He announced some figures, of like 43k for a single person and 88 k for a couple. 400 times eh? Even if he misread the article, you would think that he would have divided 43k by 400 in his head to think..."The poverty level is how much?" As to Isreal, I think they can handle anything thrown their way OTHER than a nuke.
  17. That is great news. IMO I would focus on education now. If he is so gung ho for football, then you have what you need to ensure he gives it his all in the classroom. In other words you give him an ultimatum, "If I don't see x (whatever you think he can handle) grades every six weeks then you are out of football." Your fallback position if you do have to remove him can be, if he gets his grades back up to x. So that would give you some cushion, although he may miss a couple of games. Just my opinion of course.
  18. Now if that was what she meant, then I would say Lana just became the hands on favorite. What?
  19. Well now that you told everyone, the guys will never let you win. They won't want you to "retire."
  20. And touting that our politicians (the grand thinkers they are) wanted your expertise helps prove which point? Yours or mine?
  21. Oh cool. We were curious, what did you win?
  22. I fully support your right to get out. No one should keep you contained in a small box with clothes. Completely kidding
  23. Will there be an announcement? If so, will it be in this thread?
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