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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Dude, that Franks and Beans nonsense was unnecessary if you ask me.
  2. I would accept Gangsta Kitty as the winner, just so long as it isn't you
  3. Threadkiller!
  4. To boil it down to the basics... If he raped her, he should go to jail/pay everything he owes. If she lied about it, she should lose everything she owns and her kids should be placed in a stable environment.
  5. Wait, isn't every time wine time for you?
  6. Hey, lawyers are human beings too. I suggest politicians be their primary food source.
  7. Well, I hope not.
  8. Albany, this post alone should make you rethink your position.
  9. I blame BlueFire.
  10. :thumbsup:
  11. Thanks. Curious as to your take, you are a police officer I believe. How do you think legalization would effect your line of work? I know there are testing issues for driving under the influence and such. Mind you, I consider a stoned driver far safer than a drunk one, although impaired.
  12. Is Kobe a player on the Bills? Is he even in the NFL? I say no to Vick. If he became a Bill, I would never watch the team again. You also misused to as it should be too.
  13. Cool. That link just adds to my personal theory. That is, you are either an addictive personality type or you aren't. Sure certain things have addictive properties, but the underlying personality is what either reinforces or helps reject it. Your quote struck me as particularly funny since it demonstrates how statistics can be misused. Ban the milk!
  14. Watson is up by 1. God I can't believe I am getting into this. When does football start?
  15. Nice line, may I sig that? Oh and link.
  16. Are alcohol and tobacco?
  17. You mean you can't take them swimming? Hang on, gotta call the ex wife real quick.
  18. I would think everyone would remember that Belinda.
  19. In a study of 100 young girls it was determined that smoking marijuana doubled the chance of her turning into a crack whore. Is that what you want for your daughter? Hmm? Also consider this, while marijuana may indeed not be very harmful in and of itself, many fine police officers, DEA agents, and FBI agents have lost their lives against hardened criminals selling this illegal drug. It is also a Gateway drug. Sure it is not very addictive, but since it is illegal people, consort with these criminals who sell other more dangerous drugs. If you can't see how dangerous it is with these simple facts, I feel you are lost cause. Ok to be honest, only the first one was made up. The rest are real objections to marijuana.
  20. Who was Belinda?
  21. Yep, he is excluded after next year.
  22. And you will do the same when a great conservative passes. Right?
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