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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I am actually not in this debate and I think The Big Cat is holding his own, but that was hilarious.
  2. Yes, no reason to post further.
  3. See, you are contagious Steely. You should lay down and rest.
  4. Ok, this is what three threads? BTW your avatar has to be against TOS.
  5. What are you talking about? The thread was never closed. Are you feeling ok?
  6. For the record, there were plenty who liked Flutie because he was better than Rob "I hurt myself falling on a football" Johnson. Not because he was a god among men, just the better choice.
  7. Well get over it. We are all Bills fans, have all suffered, and are stuck with Jauron. Still, we might do well.
  8. Hmm are you always this big a downer?
  9. Thought that was a bit over the top myself. Of course you did imply a lot that stepped over the bounds (IMO) in one of your earlier posts.
  10. Sorry, that wasn't a survey, although I do appreciate you filling it out. It confirms much of what I suspected.
  11. I thought The Dean was in on it too. Not Lori though, not without at least a tip.
  12. I think Gangsta Kitty is scared, I know I am.
  13. So we have: The Dean:1 Steely Dan:1 Jose Manuel Zelaya:25,000,000
  14. What they are both highly intelligent, creative, need drugs to balance them out (I suspect Crayonz comes out to play when Tom forgets) and trolls. Doesn't exactly take a rocket surgeon to draw the obvious conclusion.
  15. So I take it that is a vote for you: The Dean:1 Steely Dan:1
  16. Didn't he say he wouldn't do that? I say we take a vote. I call for The Dean to be the winner.
  17. Actually yeah, I liked that. I thought he really screwed up when he opened his mouth in the first place, but credit where it is due, nice recovery.
  18. Why aren't you banned yet?
  19. You were called out in at least one other thread you were active in. I guess you missed that too.
  20. I really hope that Tom is Ieatcrayonz as I suspect.
  21. Your attempts to win this thread have gone well beyond amusing into mildly pathetic.
  22. Please, that was a blatant underhanded attempt by you to win. Nice try btw.
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