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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Damn, I thought it was Heswallowsfleshcrayonz.
  2. What is the difference between a divorce and a tornado in Tennessee? There isn't one, either way, someone is losing a trailer.
  3. Yes, but baseball should just release the list now. It is like slowly bleeding out the way the list comes out bit by bit.
  4. I assume you mean the girl? Look, I am going off googleimages. If she floats your boat more power to you. If that isn't her, well I am an ignorant redneck. I have no doubt she is probably more intelligent and could kick my ass if she desired.
  5. Someone should smack Thurman#1 on the nose with a newspaper.
  6. I should mention that I will get back to you on a a couple of slight points. More importantly, Time to Choose Sides is either a bit touched or one of the most brilliant trolls in ages. Nice conversation. Edit - Oh and Wacka is a Rushbot
  7. Define the Bush Doctrine please, also please show where I supported it. Oh and welcome to Hell (see above). Most consider me a liberal.
  8. Glad you aren't stuck in the past. Right now you are 50-100 years behind ExiledInIllinois. Do you think rapidly changing technology could have any impact on international relations? Surely something as lame as the crossbow wouldn't change things? That was centuries ago of course. BTW there is an easy counter-argument to this.
  9. Yet you are ignoring the fact that almost all the countries in the world signed this treaty. Have there been violations? Of course, nations always act in their best interest. Does this mean that we should ignore subsequent violations? In football terms, if an associate of Michael Vick all of a sudden starts dog-fighting...who is the prime suspect? Well you put me on unfamiliar ground, defending Bush, but so be it. It is understandable Bush was elected in the first term. His father wasn't horrible. Gore was a total bore. His actions were somewhat...ok I can't do it
  10. So what exactly is your counter argument? Treaties are made to be broken?
  11. I will play for a bit, ever heard of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? If so, that would explain to you why certain countries are not allowed to possess nuclear weapons. They signed this treaty. Iran is a signatory nation.
  12. And you are just stupid enough to believe that too...
  13. Wouldn't it be necessary for them to be able to read...
  14. Please, like anyone would pay attention...
  15. I haven't read up on it ages and your point about testing might be a valid one. However, I was under the impression the actual insurance for malpractice was a fairly low percentage. If testing is to become part of preventative health care (supposedly lowering costs), wouldn't that help keep the cost of the insurance down? At least then we would know why the tests are being performed (preventative vs precautionary). Just a thought.
  16. Umm what is behind door number 2?
  17. Ok, I vote for you to win.
  18. I wouldn't want to be called on the carpet for anything unrelated if I was TO. At least at the moment.
  19. Yeah, I am hoping Cleveland signs him.
  20. I bet some team signs him, it just better not be the Bills. I can tolerate TO, his 1 year makes sense. Michael Vick is far too much to stomach.
  21. I instead of Aye? Seriously? Hell, I didn't even make the connection at first. Well, it is a pity there isn't a board function that would tally all these responses...
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