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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Do you suffer from allergies? Tend to be clumsy and fall down the stairs? Bruise easily? Did the other kids pick on you in school?
  2. Don't forget that most of the same guys are arguing that he deserved to be arrested on his own property for his speech.
  3. You were the one complaining about how hot it was. I can only assume Mead was trying to help you out. Incidentally, did you just state that every guy here was fat?
  4. Do those come in plus sizes? I am not sure they will fit Steely otherwise...
  5. He only estimated 7k miles. Nice post Tom.
  6. Currently, I am trying to teach almost 70 year old women how to use web applications, tabbed browsing, and clicking on links. Trade?
  7. Well that it a different argument. Admittedly one you referenced in your first post. Was this all about health care? The program itself seems to have worked.
  8. I grant you poor planning. The bolded though would require them to spend more money.
  9. Then what is your actual gripe? They seem to be stopping because it ran out of money (possibly).
  10. So are you arguing they should spend more money or less?
  11. That was the part that got me. The TSA agents are making pow noises, swinging a plastic sword, and meanwhile a horde of armed terrorists slips through (think Airplane).
  12. It was an excellent piece. The man had a gift with words.
  13. Whew, that is better, I was worried about you man.
  14. Good God man, did you just make an argument for technological conveniences? Are you feeling ok?
  15. I hear you write too...
  16. Avoid the chick with the 1.2.
  17. To be technical that is Joe sixpackanhour.
  18. Good thing he didn't do that to a cop...
  19. Australian dog found 9 years on, 1,200 miles away
  20. Well it depends on the person, I will just to piss someone off.
  21. I love British humor. They particularly like to poke fun at the French. Well at least the ones I have known.
  22. Why? It is easily skipped over. If some are having fun with it, let them have at it. IMO anyway.
  23. That is one reason I rarely pick on someone for typos. I mean, everyone can read it and generally get the drift of what they are trying to say. It may be poorly thought out and lame, but still understandable even when pretty badly mangled.
  24. DCTom already tried that approach.
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