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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I say we let DCTom win...it will really annoy him if we give it to him.
  2. Cheap-shot artist indeed. I call foul; everyone knows he tried that and struck out.
  3. You and Ocin start the revolution without us. We will catch up in just a few minutes...
  4. Dumb idea. If the liberals want to get their message about health care out, they might try to come up with one plan instead of competing versions. It is the difference in the plans that the far right is exploiting. Instead, their brilliant plan is to have something that smacks of Big Brother...oh and who is going to wade through all these "tips" about "lies" circulating around about health care?
  5. BLZFAN4LIFE is part of the Polish Mafia too?
  6. Really? That is kinda harsh.
  7. victuals What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law?
  8. F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5.. F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F 5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5 ..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5. .F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5.. F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F 5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5..F5 ..F5..F5..
  9. You want a guy you call a professional stud to come over to your house?
  10. Midnight Express?
  11. I found a pic of the sky in his world. Here.
  12. .19 is pretty damn drunk. Add in the fact that marijuana intensifies the effect and she was looped.
  13. I thought he said he was from Hell...
  14. No, it is click here.
  15. http://www.firstshowing.net/2009/07/26/scr...dation-trilogy/ Ugg, so this will be even worse than Starship Troopers?
  16. That actually says ???. Every time you type ??? though the forum filter renders it as ???.
  17. He isn't fat. What, are you a hater? He recently lost a bunch of weight.
  18. You are so off; this was an angry, young, white male, recent doctoral degree rant activated. My take: What was actually promised to her? Did the school follow through on what was promised? If so, screw the B word. If not, screw the school.
  19. I lost interest in this thread ages ago, but for some reason I seem much more interested now. I am going to win this thing.
  20. Possibly quicker, if you really do treat people around you the way you post.
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