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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. The thread is about reporting people for making false claims about the health care plan. Sarah Palin told a huge lie with her comments. There is at least some connection.
  2. No, my point is that you post crazy sh-- all the time. So to call Kelly out is disingenuous at best. Try to post two consecutive posts that are relevant and at least only slightly partisan. I bet you cannot do it and in fact have never done it on this forum.
  3. I said debatable. All the picks in the world do nothing if Skooby is the GM. Jimmy Johnson negotiated the deal and parleyed the extra picks into even more picks. Yhay would make him more important than the actual trade, at least in my eyes. Sorry if I wasn't clear. They had to move up to draft Emmitt. Wonder whose idea that was? Whose idea was it to trade Walker? Alvin Harper~Jake Reed. I grant you Woodson. I think I didn't explain well enough, it is debatable who had the bigger impact. The Walker trade is still over valued IMO.
  4. :lol: Run for Daylight brother. I won't be the one to trip you up.
  5. So by your definition and considering the fact you joined in September of 2001, you needed help by what late November at the latest?
  6. I am sure the other Bill's fans will miss your happy-go-lucky personality. I see your fine deductive skills are in full play though, as a lone liberal thousands of miles away expressing an opinion on a decades old case definitely should cause you to be leery. The safe bet is to spend the night with a stripper. Sure wouldn't want you to celebrate anything important this weekend.
  7. Pretty sure that was bait. Mind you, I think Kelly has boxed himself in.
  8. The Hershel Walker trade is at least debatable (nice depth though), but sadly the Jimmy Johnson bit isn't. !@#$ing Helmet-Haired bastard!
  9. Yeah, because Jerry would have bailed your team out. Wasted words in all likelihood as you probably weren't a *Pats fan then. Good to know though that winning is all that matters to you, since the apple rarely falls far from the tree.
  10. Oh. Good point.
  11. You two should really do this by PMs.
  12. Q: You go to a cockfight. How do you know if a Polish guy is there? A: He's the one with a duck. Q: How do you know if an Italian guy is there? A: He bet on the duck. Q: How do you know if the *Mafia is there? A: The duck wins. *-Note that this excludes the Polish Mafia
  13. Didn't Dev/Null send you the check?
  14. I would argue the bolded is more impressive than a rule change. "Someone stop that mother!@#$er"
  15. I think that is actually a Tommybot. They are remarkably like their creator, but tend to get confused.
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090806/sc_afp/ussciencespace Damn, just when the world comes to an end.
  17. Good news: He works near you. He is a congressional staffer. Bad news: Not sure which one...
  18. But not others posts, some of who may not agree. Hence the bribe, try to keep up.
  19. What a crock of shyte.
  20. We can pay Lori to delete all our posts back to his last one.
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