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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. 25 shares of AAPL @ 384.80 = $9620.00 350 shares FTWR @ $1.08 = $378.00 $2.00 on hand. Edit - to blow the last of my money.
  2. You are going to hate Fry-days!
  3. I didn't know cows used IUDs...
  4. Google her. Her name pops up readily. She is an intern blogger at Gizmodo.
  5. This?: Then why the need to specify babysitters under 18 just below it? Does A only include people 18 and up?
  6. It is legit. The bill.
  7. Please tell me that should say Onion, not union in the URL.
  8. Nah, you do not have to. I was just messing with you.
  9. Note the bolded date. Note the date and how far out of touch I am with the title and yet make you more anachronistic in comparison. When you do not understand what others say, try google and fit it into context. You aren't much older than me.
  10. The fact you focus on mine indicates so much.
  11. Okay, I am in. I want to see this work.
  12. Evidently you do. Either that, or you care about my posts. The latter makes you even more pathetic...
  13. Fixed. The question is why? And was her day in the sun/Hades worth it to her career?
  14. Hell, I am half tempted to join in to be the dummy company. I know a little about mutual funds, but nada about 6 months investments, same amount of knowledge and and less time to day-trade. If anyone loses to Booster they have to sig it for a month? Kidding, I hope this takes off. I enjoyed the other thread when it started.
  15. Ahh you meant her stuff was mild? I was referring to the explosion of hatred towards her. Some of which she deserved. As I said, "Good luck getting a date, especially after you twittered your explanation, "dudes, i don't think it's bad to be a dweeb. i just dont want to date someone i can't relate to. not an attack. more a cautionary tale." Mind you, her initial post was more vitriolic so there did seem to be some personal element to it. In any case, was the 500k hits she generated on her site worth what she has done to her internet reputation? At no point did that come across as humor btw. She released the guys name.
  16. It was all over twitter. Her google suggested content rose too second in one day on part of her name compared to Alyssa Milano. Some of the vitriol directed her way was way worse. I guess you lost interest or do not possess Google skills. There were 100s of thousands of posts about her and numerous news articles.
  17. Well, that is the point. She did something fairly rude by revealing his name (her initial article was a bit ruder, but left his name out btw) and then the total backlash. In adition, here sole objection was he played the game. There are tons of stories about it. Your thoughts?
  18. Link I should note this is a fellow Gizmodo writer/woman. She is getting a ton of hits on her name alone. Type Alyss in a google search, she should be the number two suggested criteria below Alyssa Milano. Try not to read her article as she probably meant to do this for hits. At least do not click on her ads. So what do you think of her opinion and the response?
  19. I say he should prove it. On the honor system of course. The point IMO is it should be more about semi-long term transactions. Trading every minute is just stupid. I get that you can make money off it, but seems antithetical to the original premise of both the stock market and the game. Make it another experiment, either add in the micro transaction fee (which would not stop cheating) or my preference, restrict how long you have to hold a stock (which would not stop cheating). I say at least 2 hours. Go ahead and bash on the financial n00b.
  20. I had a Taekwondo (3rd Dan) instructor in his late 50s - early 60s. He had cross=training in other martial arts. Small little guy about 5'9" maybe. 160 lbs? Anyway. he got jumped by 3 guys once who tried to rob him. It did not end well for them.
  21. Who are you again? - Response to CountDorkula
  22. She really is a bit off. Having her on the Republican ticket in any capacity is really Obama's best hope. Well that or the economy rebounds. So essentially, his best hope. I think Perry can win, but he really shouldn't have Palin or Bachmann as the VP candidate. Palin because she is too polarizing and Bachmann because she WILL say something stupid that will cost him the election.
  23. It seems it can be. If I was a fan of Baltimore that had posted a bunch of negative stuff about what should be a hero of the team, I would be doing some serious soul searching right about now. My girlfriend is a big fan, but gentle soul that she is, never said a negative thing. So she is off the hook, but if our positions were reversed, not sure I would have been able to say the same. In any case, this should be food for thought. I have not dogged out Ralph or any of the management, but I have dogged out my fellow posters. I have said some bad things about Trent Edwards and Rob Johnson. I imagine some of my comments affected the person I was speaking of, so that is a bad thing really. Something to think on. Oh and if you disagree? !@#$ off.
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