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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I am a big believer in the simplest reasons destroying conspiracy theories...
  2. That was in April, not today and does not suggest that painkillers will become a substitute for hip replacements as Wacka stated. I realize that the Republicans are the ones stirring the pot. However, if the Democrats do not get their act together and present one plan, this will not go away.
  3. You should go into politics.
  4. Ok, if you must be negative, this is the crazy dog to imitate! At least he is funny.
  5. Ok, I tried two compromise candidates. That failed, so I suggest Lana should win. Her AV sig shows how much she wanted to win.
  6. Damn, what a tricky idea. Congrats!
  7. You overestimate the fringe groups IMO. I would guess there is around a 1/3rd of the "room" that basically said, nice point.
  8. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2884063 Well, not even all the dogs from the raid were pit bulls.
  9. Ok that was over the top, but I was trying to make a point. Maybe you are missing the point: He took other breeds of dogs, say a collie, and threw it into a match with the pit bull until the pit killed or injured it. These dogs were owned by other people. These dogs are the family dogs I am talking about.
  10. No, he threw Lassie to a pit bull to teach the pit bull to fight. Then stood there and laughed when the pit bull killed Lassie.
  11. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1505498 And http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football...ained_fami.html because another link was broken.
  12. I noticed you had mellowed lately, but don't go overboard now.
  13. You also keep misrepresenting the facts about the type of dogs killed by Michael Vick and never bother to respond to evidence that proves you are wrong.
  14. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it is a reading comprehension problem on your part and you are not being intentionally obtuse (or worse). Michael Vick did kill family pets. They were thrown into the ring with the fighting dogs. I have brought this point up twice, yet you stick to your story about how these animals never would have lived if not for Vick. Reading comprehension problem? http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3718304
  15. Actually, he did heckle the Obama supporters right after the inauguration.
  16. Meh, posted that when I first woke up. I was going to delete after I got out of the shower, but you had already quoted me. My apologies.
  17. People who quote lies for political purposes Edited
  18. I could care less about the race. So between the liberals and the conservatives, which amendment isn't threatened? Sad isn't it?
  19. So if 3 months is the average, you will support that?
  20. Not sure what relevance his salary has, but what does the average person get for assaulting a person? Honest question.
  21. LMAO The Dean produced that right?
  22. No, that was complete sarcasm on my part. I thought Gates was a complete ass who should not have been arrested as he was on his own property. I imagine if politics hadn't entered into it, many of the conservatives would have agreed. At least I hope they would have. In any case, that should explain my sarcasm.
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