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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Oh, well never mind then. Forget I mentioned it...
  2. Aren't you in the waiting list thread?
  3. There was a reason for it at the time I posted it. Shirley you aren't suggesting I delete the thread now...
  4. Wait, are you sure? I could have sworn he passed and we were going to buy him a paver...
  5. http://www.seakittens.com/seakittens.html
  6. Intentionally breeding, torturing, and killing dogs while laughing about it.
  7. I say keep them around, people that stupid make excellent targets.
  8. She is without a doubt a class act. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. How? That doesn't even make sense unless someone blabbed to him. Let's try this... Relate exactly what was said to you, what questions you asked etc...
  10. I like how the airport security guy knows about the noon presser.
  11. Someone call Lori to hold me back, because I am going to kill him.
  12. Well, there is the clear and ever present danger of being too literate on a football board.
  13. I actually love to fly. I do not like the hassle of getting on to a plane, but if you are organized it is fairly easy. If I had the time, I would go hang out with this friend of my parents who flies a lot. It is a lot more fun in a small plane.
  14. Keep up, the best (most annoying) explanation is "one vote discarded because nobody cares what DC Tom thinks"
  15. If I know it genuinely happened, they are scum in my eyes. There can be some extenuating circumstances (she had a knife), but otherwise, complete and utter scum. I know some Bills have been accused (and guilty) of it, could you be more specific?
  16. Not a white knuckler I take it. Cool.
  17. Well, you do realize that that in a population of billions, there are millions that are worse. That is some sort of distinction.
  18. I hear +1 is all the rage these days.
  19. But if you are an idiot, then your opinion does not matter and you should be allowed to vote.
  20. I don't want those guys on my team either.
  21. Quick, change your AV quote back, I am going with the sympathy approach.
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