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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Do us a favor would you John? Find out something, anything, concrete on this story (I am kidding, I know you are doing the best you can and not for us ) . Still, it would be nice if we knew something (yes I read your update article) as we are almost completely in the dark here. I am seriously starting to dislike Maybin due to to this. Oh and for the people saying the Bills are cheap... Bills rankings for salary spent per year: 2008:16th 2007:4th 2006:30th Pretty much middle of the road.
  2. You're smarter than that Senator. Why are you so vehement about this and determined to twist, what is said and what we do know, to defend Kane? Personally, the story rang true from the beginning and I am sick of athletes getting away with things that would get the average person thrown in jail. Whether the cabbie is later arrested for his own violations means nothing to me.
  3. In your version of the story, yes.
  4. Be fair, he only advocated beating someone over a dollar and twenty cents. Let's keep things in perspective.
  5. That happened as a consequence of the incident. It is not a direct charge from it, but nice try.
  6. So why was Kane and not the cabbie indicted?
  7. Seriously, because he wouldn't let them out of the cab until they paid and then didn't have 20 cents change (or even a dollar and twenty cents), he deserves a beating (punches whatever)? Ok, so everyone should go about in society with this attitude every day. Duly noted.
  8. He got lucky on that one. On the upside, there are rumors Kane is trying to rehabilitate his image by becoming a spokesman for a worthy charity.
  9. Are you kidding? This is amateur hour in comparison.
  10. So what is abomination +2?
  11. That is the state law (NY is similar). Is there a city ordinance? I bet a cop could have made some sort of drinking charge stick. Anyone with actual knowledge? Also, how did they get possession in the first place? Did the brother purchase it?
  12. I think the Kanes should be forced to drive a cab for a month. Preferably in an area that is filled with non-tippers.
  13. The first part is true enough. Belichick has moved far past playing against the spirit of the rules...
  14. Just pray he isn't planning on you getting coffee after.
  15. I can understand that, but did anyone have an issue with understanding 4 and u?
  16. What drug do you think he is on? Aren't they piss tests? In which case, even weed is out of your system in a month tops.
  17. I guess the less full thing could be an aspect, but I have no real clue. Seems like a small change in proportions to me though.
  18. The fact it is cheap to produce is why it is a problem. From what I have read, there is no other difference as far as how you metabolize it etc.
  19. Done, but it looks bad for her.
  20. Isn't an ellipsis 3 periods? With a space before and after the periods?
  21. Are you sure you want to brag about that?
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