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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I haven't made it past the 9th level, but you can get there easily by opening a new window and alt tabbing to it while the puppy prances.
  2. He was being sarcastic.
  3. Congrats on your quick edit.
  4. This made me think of what that evil villian Damj did.
  5. And you are giving them grief? You sick puppy.
  6. Good luck with Calipari. He did such an awesome job on Memphis. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/ne...p&type=lgns
  7. No advice, but congrats TPS.
  8. http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/mulelion.asp
  9. Killing him once wasn't enough for you? Sadist!
  10. Ok, that was funny. /thread
  11. Now there is some honesty. Kudos.
  12. I am going to agree.
  13. Well played, sir.
  14. Joe, everyone wants to know... How does it make you feel that there is a Tommybot that keeps insulting you in the Shoutbox. With DCTom's death, does it flatter you that his last words were to you?
  15. Fans are like that though as teams evoke strong feelings one way or another (and exaggerated by the internet) . If Maybin signs soon though, while working his ass off and doing well over the next two seasons, everything will be forgotten. Most would be happy with an autograph the week he signed (presuming it is soon).
  16. We shall see who is right in the long run, perhaps. Seeing as how Kane apologized for disappointing everyone, has been indicted and is probably in negotiations to make this all disappear, we may never know. I will say this, if the two brothers came forward and confessed they were worried because the doors on the cab were locked and the old man held them prisoner, I might change my mind. So far all that has been said is, it contributed to the situation. Since they appeared to argue about the money afterward, and then the fight ensued, it seems more logical to assume the cabbie had unlocked the doors by then. Oh and last, but certainly not least, if they were free to move about and no longer imprisoned as you put it, the proper course of action is to notify the police. You go ahead and stick with your imprisoned story, if it proves to be correct, I will come back and wear the paper bag. If they were outside the car and assaulted him, will you do the same?
  17. So answer a simple question, why is the cabbie not indicted for false imprisonment and the Kanes are indicted for theft and assualt? You are blaming their actions against the cabbie. Then you offer up this... Another simple question, will you blame the Kanes if they attacked the cabbie after he unlocked the doors?
  18. Dick Jauron. Wait, he is undead, will the seance still work? And I wasn't trying to pressure John btw. He has been very helpful, just this situation sucks.
  19. I thought that too at first. Read his last post. He simply wants it to go away.
  20. Fair enough, you care more for the Kanes than the law. Being a fan who cares little for the law isn't a crime. We shall see how the story turns out. My prediction: Kanes started the fight after they got out of the taxi (or at least the doors were unlocked).
  21. So if they pay him, he unlocks the doors, then they beat him up it's justified in your mind? Shouldn't they file a police report?
  22. Actually, I edited out accusing you of lying, as I am trying to be civil. So if the assault began or even continued outside the car, will you be as supportive of the Kane brothers? What part of, it isn't about the cabbie (for me) do you not get yet?
  23. Thank you for giving me this ticket officer.
  24. A mere nobody who couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag, much less give all of PPP fits.
  25. Well, I guess some people really will find any excuse to defend the indefensible if they are a fan of a pro athlete. Let's hope that the people around Kane aren't as likely to make excuses for his actions, thus enabling any future crimes he may commit. Bolded - Since you are so conversant with the details. I assume the passengers assaulted him from within the car. Otherwise, your version of events falls apart like tissue.
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