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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. What a fervent Christian you are. If you want to insult Tom, point out when he is proven wrong (rare admittedly), he rarely acknowledges it. Family is off limits and you are skirting the edge.
  2. I wonder that too. Was that the driver? The guy in the orange shirt was brave as **** to scramble in and pull the guy out like that. Brave in that the groups grip on the car could slip and also in that as has been said, he could be sued. At a guess, he was gripped by adrenalin and just darted in without thinking through the possible consequences. Another note, while it is cool to see the video, who filmed that? Who stood there and essentially watched? Overall though, kudos to humanity.
  3. Good job Mr. Observant...
  4. My condolences. I wish you and yours the best and a part of TBD will always be you as you were a cornerstone for years. :hug:
  5. Awww man that is a low blow...
  6. You surely do not think that was a good idea. I love their offer to bring back 5,000 $15.00 an hour jobs. Especially since it has been shown that overseas call centers are generally less efficient and tend to mar your brand. Gee Thanks!
  7. No, I think you are a partisan hack who debates badly. It really is that simple.
  8. You make genuine liberals who may have a point look bad. I already explained this.
  9. And your subsequent responses to this Ms Spelling indicate how umm sharpin you are.
  10. No one wants or needs your faked results. Just go away, you are a !@#$ing boob.
  11. Well, the market has done poorly the last couple of days. Anyone do well? I weathered the storm okay I guess and lost ~2.6%.
  12. Your idiotic idea to vote for Bachmann in a primary means nothing. You cannot even be an effective saboteur. Manage to get millions to do it like Rush did (Democratic Primary) and you elect... Obama. Which is your intention I am sure. Only you have like 1/2 of a follower at best. Pity you cannot try to get Obama elected on his own merits and are forced to resort to Limbaugh tactics.
  13. Damn, how did I miss that. It is all those years of South Park you watched isn't it?
  14. Fair enough. It is the game that is fun, but outright hackery by a person is what makes it easy. Too easy.
  15. I thought it was Scientology...
  16. I bet we agree on more things than we disagree on. There are actually a ton of centrists here, just many disagree to simply be disagreeable.
  17. Not only do you make the Democratic party look bad, you enable the worst of them. Thanks for making it a party I no longer care to associate with.
  18. Yet more proof you are completely stupid or a troll. Oh wait, the jury is in on that one.
  19. I thought it was Assmange®. Well, where are the people saying that he was doing the right thing? That transparency was needed to change things. They already threw out any relevant dirt they have at a guess. Now it is just the little people who will get hurt.
  20. It is raffling. Also the word you tried to use at a guess is way out of bounds. You really are a punk who couldn't win a debate even if you were overwhelmingly right.
  21. Where is Magox? Or was he smart today as the market did poorly? Hey TPS, GG? Care to join in?
  22. Yeah, my own concern is Jobs. I think I am just going to ride the release of the i5 holding all APPL. I suspect it coming out by the end of the month. Maybe sooner since they just lost another prototype in a bar. I am beginning to suspect they are doing that on purpose.
  23. Selling 350 shares FTWR @ $1.10 = $385.00 Buying 1 share APPL for $384.89 Total 26 shares APPL 2.11 on hand
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