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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. So they are protecting us from people who want to sell us BS huh?
  2. VA's grammar and spelling skills always fall a bit short. I would actually argue though that the Dems are more responsible for this. Sure, the Republicans have spread misinformation, organized some people at least to kick off this whole Town Hall fiasco, but the Dems have themselves to blame mainly. They have a variety of plans, each with issues. If they had presented a united front with 1 bill, they could have averted a ton of this and the debate would at least be focused.
  3. A nun in full black habit is walking past a bar when a drunk stumbles out, sees her, and punches her square in the nose. Before she can scream, he lands a sloppy one-two and an uppercut. When she goes down, he starts kicking her with his scuffed business shoes. As a crowd gathers, the drunk stops, staggers back, and slurs, "You're not so tough, Batman!"
  4. Still, he didn't re-air the tape and never apologized to the family, much less the kid. It was incredibly stupid for him to make the initial comments without knowledge of what was going on. Greta Van Susteren was smart enough to avoid the topic. Oh and blaming it on a different syndrome? Child sexual abuse syndrome? Weak IMO.
  5. That is fair, I was just curious where you were going with it.
  6. I really recommend you stop going to that site.
  7. Those are BS too IMO. Well, the first two. I didn't read the third. Without intent, itis an accident IMO and should probably be dismissed.
  8. Happy birthday you two three.
  9. I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
  10. Well, I have good news and bad news on the paver front. I was not having much luck with individual donations, so I took my $4.32 Canadian and bought a tip jar. I set it up outside Tom's work with a huge picture of him on the front asking for donations. So, I get an e-mail advising me I need to come pick it up. Seems some idiot has stuffed 1000 dong in the jar and filled it up. I am trying to negotiate with that OldGuy to go pick it up and clean it out. I would have thought his co-workers would have at least shown some respect considering his passing. I am getting busy at work. I will have to get back to you about the bad news.
  11. No, it is is an honorable discharge and being a Senator. Stop speed reading. Cincy's link:
  12. Ok how many people have been prosecuted for leaving their dog in the car? I am really just curious where you are going with this?
  13. Link Seems a possibly disastrous combination.
  14. I am not denying the existence of the Lana, just your Lana.
  15. Anyone in the Memphis TN area? Before this gets whisked away to no mans land.
  16. I still think corn syrup is relatively safe compared to other sugars. http://www.foodprocessing.com/articles/2006/145.html You just have to pick foods with less sugar, you either have the willpower to avoid it, or don't.
  17. So you are kitty whipped by your imaginary girlfriend. That has to be some sort of record...
  18. Who else could it be?
  19. Joe Chill While fictional, his stupidity cannot be denied.
  20. Joe is an idiot (Sorry Joe, someone had to say it).
  21. R.I.P.
  22. Yes, and now he wants to talk to you...
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