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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Slackers! No seriously, the report button is a good idea.
  2. HFBD man.
  3. That slut!
  4. Look At Me Post L.A.M.P.
  5. And now for the new stuff... This seems cool, but is probably too pricey at a guess. Remote controlled tank (well sorta)
  6. How much do you have to pay her?
  7. From what I heard, it is a small pein hammer.
  8. Maybe a Harrier? It didn't work then, but with the economy...
  9. LOL I was typing yours up when Steely jumped the gun. I had to make at least 2001. You were next in line.
  10. Why 2k posts? Why in the hell have we posted in this silly thread 2000 times? Well, I have to admit, mainly to piss DCTom off. Ok, to be fair, that's only the reason for the last 1000 posts or so. Still, seriously, what is the !@#$ing record? I am really tired of asking this. I mean I asked like twice and no one bothers to… Anyway, I thought I would keep this post light and friendly like most TBD posts. So here is to the other major contributors than DCTom: Steely Dan has contributed greatly to this thread. His friendly posts are probably the second most contributor to the thread it using various friendly phrases such as “Jackass!” and promising to have his cat “pop a cap in our ass”. Thus, I place him second in the rankings for why this thread has lasted so long. Damj has done more for this thread than probably the next 5 posters combined. His perpetual need to drive this thread to the top every morning, when no one cared for weeks, kept it on life support. Without him, this thread would have died out as Steely only notices threads on the top half of a page. In addition to this, he has cursed this thread and I fully expect the thread to lock when I post this. Honorable Mentions: /dev/null started the thread and it is his most positive contribution to the board. His second was when people were able to point to this thread as a reason why rating posters by responses to their threads was a bad idea. I want to say I really like Beerball. He has been a frequent contributor to this thread, but faded down the stretch. I would say something bad about him, but all the best material has been used…repeatedly. I mean everyone has something bad to say about Beerball, even those who really know him. I heard this nun buying gin the other day saying, “That Beerball is a right bastard.”
  11. Always check to see what you copied last, before you paste it. Lesson learned, I say.
  12. I was just playing...
  13. On the other hand, they should be right up inkman's alley.
  14. Oh and btw Steely, I figured the loss of your reputation would be something you desired.
  15. At least Mead is in mid-season form.
  16. Now you get it. Besides, Damj already jinxed the winner. I would hate to be the one who wins it... Ok, I think Dick Jauron has masterfully outplayed the whole *Pats organization and have changed my sig to reflect this. I am so sure of this, that I will stake Steely Dan's reputation on it.
  17. Nice point. I guess to be fair, the NFL gauged the effect of the suspension and deemed two games was a min/max decision on their marketability. As with many things, this will take time to see if they judged correctly. For me, the NFL lost a bit more luster with his reinstatement and now, a bit more with the light suspension. The glow was getting pretty meager already.
  18. Finally, something we can all agree on. Steely is a uniter.
  19. I will be happy if they win. Lightning in a bottle, lucky bounces etc. I will gladly celebrate and hail Dick Jauron as genius. 19-0
  20. Thanks, you're a sprout Cut me some slack, Damj stole my bit, so I was returning the favor.
  21. Silly me...
  22. buffaloboyinATL is Sally Fields? Wow!
  23. Umm you agree with Assquatch?
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