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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Nah man, you got it all wrong. He is obviously Michael Savage and therefore rich. One final observation, when the evil monkey thinks you have gone off the reservation, you may have issues.
  2. Oh sh--, they keep track of that?
  3. Umm you want to win...yet cursed the winner of this thread with your own words. Interesting.
  4. So after 20 posts they are fair game? Is that the general consensus?
  5. Well done. Also, I will check out your link OldGuy.
  6. Happy BDay everyone!
  7. If they can prove it, I would be all for it.
  8. Well that part seems reasonable at least...
  9. Why do you care, he isn't after your man...
  10. Quick question, can you use that site to google something like slash did?
  11. Well Delta has this 29.95 special...
  12. Nah bar staff. Drink when you get the excuse
  13. I took my son to school and was listening to a local sports commentator who complained as he said something like, "We aren't a news organization, but I have been handed a memo to tell you that a plane has struck the World Trade Center." They preceded to talk about other crap after that so I thought nothing of it. I was reading a thread about the Bills that was really long before I left to take my son to school, so when I returned I stayed in that thread a bit and read some others before I went to the news. From the way I had heard it on the radio, I had assumed it was a small plane. So it was a bit before I realized what had happened. I turned on the TV. The 1st tower had already collapsed, and they showed replay after replay of that. I was essentially just staring at the screen in shock. Then the second tower collapsed and to be honest it was another minute before it soaked in, that wasn't a replay of the first tower. My mind immediately jumped to Osama bin Laden. Make of that what you will. I immediately woke my wife at the time and explained what was going on. I also had a couple of shots and became real concerned as it seemed like war might have been started (not saying it wasn't but was certainly not all-out).
  14. I was listening to Fisher on the radio Tuesday and he started off sort of downplaying the whole towel incident. He commented that opening day was big enough and tended to hype players anyway. He said that it was basically a non-factor. Then as he talked of past games, preparation, how big the rivalry was, how the division change seemed not to matter, and how a Steelers game was different than other games he actually became quite animated. Perhaps it was my imagination, but it sounded like he was eager (he tends to be pretty Jauron like in the radio interviews) for the game. This should be an awesome game.
  15. I agree with your thoughts on the match up. The ex wife is a Steelers' fan and then there is the Music City Miracle and I work in TN. Decisions Decisions...
  16. So they need to add a hotel and safari cars?
  17. Quite big.
  18. Close, it was the Brazilians.
  19. "Inconceivable"
  20. Let's not confuse the issue with our actions, but with what we vaguely talk about. You could easily fit in on either side with that mentality.
  21. I understand the reality. However, I truly dislike it when a person bets against their own team. To each their own of course.
  22. How dare Bell ask for a raise? Run the B word out of town for asking for a raise. /em passes out pitchforks and torches
  23. I promised Steely Dan's reputation. So hah!
  24. I guess he was a lover and not a thief. Well, he will be soon in any case. Really?
  25. A true masterpiece.
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