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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Brother I am waiting till the thread is done and then I am going to go back and copy all your links, so we can call it even
  2. Dallas, no other team even comes close.
  3. Ok some of this may seem remedial and it is just a cheat sheet, so don't expect miracles but the first one I recommend is http://www.customguide.com/pdf/computertra...k-reference.pdf That is an overview of computer basics. It explains the difference between RAM and HD space as well as a lot of other terms. Start with that (lots of other cool free cheat sheets there for any help desk type people). After you finish that sheet, simply go to Wiki and look up any other terms that confuse you. The wording tends to be poor and lots of overblown sentences (frigging computer nerds) but it is usually correct (if somewhat dated at times). Also if you run Vista or XP here are two more cheat sheets. http://www.customguide.com/pdf/windows-qui...rence-vista.pdf http://www.customguide.com/pdf/windows-qui...eference-xp.pdf
  4. Be nice Fez. Steely I can send you some basic primer stuff that explains a lot of this. Just let me know.
  5. Agreed, those rat bastards have been sticking it to us for over 200 years. Enough is enough I say. All part of the liberal plan...
  6. Sorta takes the meaning out of the phrase, "Public Option."
  7. There is no Easter Bunny?
  8. You did download the latest version of Firefox right? There was a version that allowed an option that IIRC opened up all bookmarks when launching the browser.
  9. Oh is that where he got that bit from?
  10. Damn, you are Ieatcrayonz?
  11. True, which makes the withdrawal equivalent to a tax for services that will be unavailable to many. Sorta evens out the percentage of taxation though, which makes me feel no sympathy for the rich who are taxed at a higher percentage. Great point Joe....
  12. Really proud of you Dan, make sure you you share the award with the other board members. Slash will of course need their account information as well, to split the prize evenly.
  13. Damn you slash, I just noticed I wasted my two thousand posts post on you. Not that any of the previous 2k posts had any merit mind you.
  14. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=96988
  15. IMO the cops should be reprimanded if the video isn't missing something. The first cop was just shoving her it looked like. He might have pushed her a little with the nightstick, but I missed anything really rough. She gets mad and hops off the bike it looks like (perhaps having nowhere to move forward), the second cop pushes her in the back with the nightstick. He didn't strike her. She then throws her bike, they beat the crap out of her (where are the damn tazers now for young people?) and she is arrested. She was there to protest...
  16. Seriously? I watched the video, the cops shouldn't have shoved her, but throwing her bike was a dumb move. The cops were and were a bit overzealous both before and especially after, but she did something stupid. You file a complaint afterwards, not escalate the situation as it is happening. Note that this support for the police does not apply to tasering grandmothers or arresting black professors on their own property.
  17. In the enhanced video you can clearly see she has playing cards in the spokes of her back wheel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99-v_NZbOEc#t=2m0s
  18. Swing and a miss.
  19. I give props to Magox he was part of that.
  20. Damn, I had buttraped by a Redneck prison Baptist Minister, in the pool.
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