Oh I have issues with you and I will be happy to post similar sentiments here.
Only what you missed is, I said the cops were justified when the lady threw her bike. They could have handled the beginning bit better. No one was saying the cops were out of line at all in the Detroit game (I assume they were off duty cops) and yet you felt the need to compare that to other situations where cops were out of line.
You make police brutality more likely to use your original argument. Therefore you are part of the problem as much as those who act out and embolden others to act like idiots. Conservative my ass, you are a waste of skin (there we go that was one of those personal attacks you whined about) who seems to believe we should all live in a police state.
I take police brutality seriously for two reasons:
1. A cop threw me around while handcuffed for asking, "What am I signing?" as I was checking in.
2. A bunch of cops have sat at my bar and like all drunken idiots they talk about what they did at work. Scary stuff.
Does this mean all cops are bad? No. In fact they have a damn tough job to do and one that would probably reduce me to mush. Most cops are good cops. However, a lot of cops are bad cops, you simply make it more likely there will be more bad cops.