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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Not sure there is much you can do and frankly that article made me question Football in general. KD is right in his perception of Maxine Waters, but I guess this is a case of stopped clocks and such.
  2. Coyotes?
  3. My issue with Hate Crimes is that it is essentially legislation and punishment based on what you are thinking. Not the actions of the crime itself. The counter argument to that is premeditation.
  4. Wait, who is first? And is Who going to do the honorable thing?
  5. Nice double slam.
  6. Welcome back and thank God, I was afraid I was going to win this thing.
  7. 4 years later... "We seem to have an 18 way tie for never noticed"
  8. We could start a pool to see how long it took 1billsfan to catch on.
  9. Ya know, it we got the Tommy bot and the spam-bot locked into a thread together, it would blow away the "Last Post Wins" record.
  10. Looks like someone reset the spam-bot.
  11. Does that mean he had a condom? Be Prepared.
  12. Nothing other than publicity and ticket sales. Consider him done.
  13. I can't believe he took this approach. Epic fail.
  14. RI, really? And we are supposed to believe anything else you post?
  15. Hmm, I might break my no Facebook rule. Good thread Steve.
  16. And you didn't get one for your mom? Bastard!
  17. It's the Shout Box sorta, only not archived yet.
  18. RKFast is so going to get his ass kicked.
  19. Not following the NHL at all, except to skim the Sabres playoff threads, and somehow misreading the title as "Tyra Myers, Staying up?" this thread was not what I expected at all.
  20. I think you both should be Emperor.
  21. When practical jokes go awry...
  22. I seem to be in a series of meetings around then, would the third week work?
  23. IMO the problem is Tom is right. All he is guilty of is crusade and in PPP... It could have been a decent thread. On the other hand Tom could be guilty of covering for him as he (whoever he is) is his latest punching bag.
  24. I wasn't talking about the restaurants totally. Those customer service types did both, pissed in their food and made them like it.
  25. Very true. In many cases you have to give the customer what they want even though they are lying. It becomes a balance between "do we want all customers trying to pull this" vs a customer retention issue. The best ones at customer service can manage to give the ones who abuse the system a pat on the head with little real compensation. All while making them think they are being royally compensated.
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