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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Those filthy, low-class, ignorant back-woods rednecks weren't guilty...this time. [/Gene Frenkle]
  2. I was talking to a fellow Buffalo fan on the phone when it happened. I wasn't paying close attention, so remarked, "That will teach him to intercept Kelly." I hear gagging noises on the phone before my friend replies,, "Did you see what happened? His leg wrapped around his other leg." I looked up to see the replay. I honestly couldn't watch football for a couple of weeks.
  3. Just a dog, or so I have been told. No reason he should be punished much, it wasn't a human.
  4. Nothing, I despise him. I will be very willing to believe it.
  5. Woah, I knew Darth Cheney was bad, but damn. Link?
  6. Coach Frankenstein did so well, until the bonfire rally fiasco...
  7. The first draft of the ad was a bit different: "We wish the Bills and their fans good luck today and for the remainder of the season. Particularly today against those !@#$ing losers, the Jags. Bud Adams Tennessee Titans"
  8. You mean they aren't one and the same?
  9. That bitter taste in your mouth, is it from your post or your profession?
  10. That would suck for Beerball. He already gave out his masterplan.
  11. Good summary. At the end with yet one more peril to overcome or all (well 1/2 at most) would be lost, I hmmphed. My son (13) asked what was wrong. I replied , "Getting tired of these overly dramatic scenes". He said, "Well, it is for suspense". I replied, "I am suspensefulled <sic> out." Great special effects, but way too long. Tell a story if you are going to make a movie that long IMO.
  12. To sum up and preempt any statement that this is a lame reply, "Do your own research" on a topic this common is a valid retort.
  13. There's the rub. Many agree that we should do things that are more environmentally friendly. I personally favor a simpler approach, cutting out use of paper (there is however a carbon footprint for e-mails and websites and such) and office usage of things that are non recyclable (within reason and on a cost basis). Recycling as much as you can is important.
  14. You thought Russell Crowe would last till the second round?
  15. Try reading Crayonz's posts. He is actually quite good at this at times.
  16. Personally, I think he is slipping. There was a lot more in your diatribe he could have ridiculed and chose not to, so maybe this is the Kinder, Gentler, AD. Oh and Saddam Hussein at the very least would beg to differ if he wasn't dead thankfully. We could probably add in most of Afghanistan, Iraq and several of our allies who didn't want to (but did after persuasion) go to war with us. Oh and what was the stock market like at the end of Bush's term? For the record, I am against the Health Insurance "Reform" as it currently seems to be, and I think the tax on energy (Cap and Trade) is worse.
  17. In Tom's defense, I think that is in his rulebook.
  18. Nope, must be for subscribing members only...
  19. I sent the link to a married friend at work, he replied, "Just remember, you NEVER sent me that link."
  20. You don't actually think that is a bad idea do you?
  21. I am in.
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