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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Dude, hurry up and get a job. Stop being a leech on society. /conservative hack
  2. Then why not Steely? Boy has been chasing you for ages...
  3. You Dirk!
  4. Actually, you would be a hypocrite for speeding in the "fast lane" while simultaneously giving someone crap for going cautiously through a stop sign without a complete stop when there is no traffic around. But you knew that.
  5. Here is another anecdote for you. The company I work for isn't small, but isn't huge. We are flat in sales nationally (up internationally I found out the other day) and the department I work in is the biggest of the lot. We have gone from 65 to 52 employees. We actually need to hire, but the owner is a bit reluctant to do so because he isn't sure exactly what is going to happen. We can hire if we want, but my boss doesn't want to push it if he can maybe get a little more work out of some of the slackers.
  6. I just want you to see how it feels, but glad you are such a stand up conservative hardass that you whine when it is done to you. One thread, and few posts over a couple of months and you start crying like a little girl. Btw you typo like mad. P.S. He happens to like to ride bikes, but you knew that. You are so much better at this game when you are on the attack.
  7. Actually, my issue with you is you are a hypocrite. The fact that RK and I disagree on pretty much everything has little to do with it as I find you do this to a variety of people. You commonly bust people’s balls about things they care about, even when you are guilty of very similar things. Maybe you are a made up character, but if that is the case, reroll as your made up persona sucks.
  8. Sorta like that person doing the speed limit in the "fast lane" huh? Lay off RK. I realize you are just messing with him, but c'mon.
  9. Russia's Bulava missile fails latest test
  10. Know much about holes in the wall do you?
  11. Perhaps you could learn something from the article, probably not though.
  12. I find it interesting that most took what they wanted to see out of the story. Of course that is nothing new, so carry on.
  13. A few, probably fictitious, quotes from Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto: And a couple of real quotes and nice reference from Wiki (going from memory too, so going to trust this): Tom, I understand the economic reasons Japan did it. I am curious as to your take as to why they forged ahead when it seemed their best and brightest had determined it was unlikely they could win. I realize that many thought a naval victory would suffice, but were they really that short sighted? I have read a lot of naval history, but the idea that Japan thought they could win on a morale basis alone seems ludicrous. FDR was looking for an excuse and was provided one. Wonder if Connor thinks FDR let it happen...
  14. Second hand carbon dioxide is a genuine danger.
  15. Dammit, I was just about to post that. Well, at least it was you who posted it.
  16. This gets even better http://www2.timesdispatch.com/rtd/news/loc...201/309031/P10/ The date on the article is 12-3-09. That answers Fez's question.
  17. I can read, I simply think this is ridiculous. The pedantic asses on the HOA could have simply understood what it meant to this man and voted on some sort of waiver in all likelihood. One would hope they weren't so incredibly shallow as to make the nonagenarian war hero apply for the right for a flag pole. Of course, you may not see that.
  18. No doubt, they should have released the prisoners so they could carry word of this Superman to their fellow soldiers. Who knows how many would have surrendered? Simply wow. Think I may sign up for Facebook.
  19. Nah, but close, he has 6 6 5 as a birthmark on his head.
  20. It is out there all right. Whoever said a perpetual motion machine was right.
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