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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I meant your posts in general, not just that one.
  2. As much as the right-wingers are annoying me, I find your posts to be completely pathetic. Molson?
  3. My birthstone is amethyst.
  4. And the flack he got from Republicans had nothing to do with him waiting too long?
  5. No, if you are going to play it is "Obama bad". I got a hangnail the other day, that damn asswipe Obama is responsible for it. !@#$ing Muslim born in Kenya.
  6. And a nice one it was (touch them). A nice girl, one you really don't want to take home to mother (the best kind).
  7. Damn anti-American republicans. They opposed Clinton (Newt being a notable exception) when he went after Iraq and Osama. He was in a weak position politically (his own fault) so I would say the blame was somewhat shared. Quotes lifted from Salon.com.
  8. They give you responsibilities, so you should be uniquely qualified to answer that question.
  9. That isn't fair at all, after all to say you inherited a problem from a previous administration would be the epitome of being a loser.
  10. Yes, but by your logic, it was still his fault. I am guessing you didn't watch the Stewart video. 6 days before Bush responded to the shoe bomber. Does that make him twice as guilty?
  11. Yeah all his fault. Glad you can be so objective. I bet you were really pissed when Bush let 9/11 happen due to his incompetence. Edit - To bring things full circle. About 3 minutes into the video http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/...-michael-mullen
  12. Sad how he seems to be the best commentator out there atm.
  13. I understand, I guess when I say liberal, I would prefer that IF the government intervenes, I would prefer they side with the individual rather than corporate interests. Lots of caveats to that, but in one sentence... I would actually prefer they stay the !@#$ out of everything other than National Defense and minimal regulation of corporations. A few other things maybe, but nothing like it is now.
  14. Damn, first the Tommybot and now this.
  15. Meh I am still a little liberal, could be my perception is shaped by that. I grant you the lucid bit, hard to think of anyone past Kelly or RI who is a total lib and can give the conservatives fits.
  16. Most of that is true, but while you and a few others might be mistakenly labeled as Right Wing, there are more conservatives than liberals that post in this forum. At least it seems that way. We could post a poll I suppose, but most would probably lie.
  17. Who is this Dean character and how did he get so many posts?
  18. Congrats man.
  19. Just that one time, he has been overcompensating ever since...
  20. Wait, which generation are you talking about? Hopefully, you are a baby boomer...
  21. My take on any movie is take what you want from it, if you cannot take enough, then it sucks. Politics be damned when I go to see a movie and if it is overly preachy I will enjoy other aspects.
  22. LOL We might have done better to simply let NY take on Afghanistan. I am finishing up Lone Survivor atm. It reinforces my belief that you should never go to war... unless you are willing to prosecute it to the fullest. Almost no holds barred.
  23. I write stuff for my company, around 100k words so far. I regularly typo stuff even after rereading it multiple times and showing it to multiple people. The mind skims over it and sees what it expects to see in context. Only the anal like myself and a few others pick up on the typos in other people's work. A game of numbers, in that the writer writes x number of words with y number of errors vs z number of complaints. Now my local paper is on the horrid side of that equation. Thank you for being one of the best coaches we have had in a long time Bobby. We should have made every effort to keep you.
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