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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. God no, I want them all gone and a complete reboot. Did you miss the premise of this thread?
  2. With Pelosi gone first!
  3. Yeah, I get it, you are totally into the Republicans. So do you think they would fix things if we gave them say 6 years of near total power?
  4. Perot's legacy could have been establishing a legitimate 3rd party. Pity.
  5. Fair enough, my apologies.
  6. We spent more on ice for NO (that never made it there) than we have on Haiti so far, how do you feel about that?
  7. Simple concept, yet most wont follow it. Ideally we would have at least 3-4 parties. We don't and frankly we probably never will. So simply vote out any incumbent. It really is that easy, if we do this (not that most will) the parties that be will be forced to pay attention. If every incumbent lost the shock would force them to pay attention. But go on voting for the same sad people who have been ripping you off for years.
  8. Good post +1
  9. Please, the Republicans are only slightly less guilty of the same sort of thing. :thumbsup:
  10. You are dumb enough to argue we have helped the people of Haiti prior to now?
  11. And you would be just as busy spinning it the other way, presuming a Republican had said something similar. Get over the parties and vote all the asshats out IMHO. Asshats = Incumbents for those who don't get it.
  12. Really? What have we done for them so far?
  13. Yes George tends to lose any battle he goes into, good point.
  14. Please, I picked on Ocin way before you, don't be jealous.
  15. I haven't been a bartender in almost 8 years. It was bait that you only partially fell for. Just sleep it off OC and remember that while you may be crazy smart, you can learn things. Oh and it isn't all about you.
  16. Sadly, Slash will show up soon and declare this a crip fight.
  17. Oh my PMs as in plural? Please show everyone my PMs. You have full permission to publish the multiple PMs I sent you today.
  18. I know you are but what am I? Or I could have had the flu for the last 5 days and woke up early today. You really consider yourself good at this? I consider myself decidedly b class on my best day. So what does that make you (especially considering the flu thing)?
  19. Oh wow, now it is you, Bush and Palin. Frankly, I think more of Palin than you.
  20. Now I am feeling bad, this is too easy. Ok who on the conservative side is wiling to equate Reagan and Palin in anything other than a rhyme. <crickets> Hey on the positive side, Wacka might come to your defense. I doubt it though as he shows more sense.
  21. Agreed
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