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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. You actually finished that? How many oz shots? 2?
  2. Cool, of course I haven't played a drinking game in almost 20 years. But ahh the (fuzzy) memories.
  3. Played all those except pyramid, what's that? Chandeliers as was already mentioned was an awesome game. There was this Big Sister in my fraternity that could not only pull off the quarter off the nose bit, she could do it off her breasts. Crotch pot was another awesome game, if you could get a woman to play it with you, you knew you were going to get lucky.
  4. Brother, I wouldn't dare argue financial matters with you. My point is, the idiots who did that, had great credit scores.
  5. I meant Credit Default Swaps, as those seem to be the biggest culprit in the financial screw up. But whichever, my point stands. Those guys had excellent credit ratings. Ahh I get what you mean, you missed my point entirely though.
  6. Credit default swaps, although I like Devs answer better.
  7. Possibly true. Did those guys who approved all the CDS have a good credit score? I bet theirs was astronomical.
  8. Not at all. On the other hand, I don't just judge matters based on just whether they are legal or not. You seem to base it on that simple premise.
  9. I think most would agree (for various reasons) our government is irresponsible at least. So give us your answer Tom, serious question, how do we fix this?
  10. So what sort of school bus did you ride?
  11. Speak of the devil...
  12. Maybe a new rule admins?
  13. Ahh so it is a legal issue. How about something that isn't against the law, yet similar? Say advocating registering for another party and voting in the primaries?
  14. Well I suppose Tim did have his moments of success. For what it is worth, militarily I agree, !@#$ them up and answer questions later.
  15. You would feel the same about a republican that said similar things, right?
  16. Dude, EM pulse vs a new keyboard? Well, this is what we can expect from the military. Don't tell me, you use a bazooka to hammer in a nail. (Totally kidding)
  17. Agreed, although I could take Dan's suggestion with a shrug.
  18. Bet that written recently.
  19. After you nuked one?
  20. US Response to Haiti (used links from Wiki) Updated 1/13 - 2 Coast Guard Cutters and a Navy Destroyer show up to evaluate the harbor. Looks like total of 4 C-130s show up to drop off Special Tactics personnel and supplies as well as evacuate others (2 CG and 2 AF but could be only two showed up). 1/14 - The Special Tactics guys get the airport operating 24/7. 1/15 - USS Carl Vinson (yay) shows up. 19 helicopters (there you go PJ), trained medical personal, 5000 crewman, and the ability to distill 400,000 gallons of water per day. Not sure how they will deliver this water, but hey. Looks like 2 more CG cutters showed up as well. 1/17 - Doesn't seem too many from the US showed up today. One quote about the airport (not necessarily the military's fault and I am sure they had a reason.) Feel free to correct me wherever I am wrong.
  21. Get an Android phone and it will blow your mind.
  22. Sometimes, he amuses me. Depends on what is on.
  23. Yeah, I heard one of Rush's informed callers say Bush had a hospital ship there in 2 days. Rush of course went along with this complete falsehood without actually agreeing with him (he is slick that way).
  24. I disagree. They poll everything. They study election results. If incumbents lost a ton of elections (not all just say 10% more than expected) it would serve as a wake up call. They can't all be crooks. I don't know enough to comment on whether Perot had a hard on for GHWB.
  25. My phone has 16 gigs, really need to upgrade that soon...
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