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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Connor seems unlikely to argue math with me, much less others.
  2. Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist. Well, there was Donahoe...
  3. My son and I watched it. Like 5 times in 2 days and I had already seen it at least 5 times.
  4. Great movie wasn't it? Makes you believe in fairy tales. Dreams can come true, can't they?
  5. I hear Cowherd <sic> is going to be our coach.
  6. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my team. Prepare to die." Edit - Slightly late, but I will leave it.
  7. Wait really? You want to argue math on this board?
  8. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  9. See what I mean? Even Tom is confused and he is at least 2 of those...
  10. The Christian types are playing nice. Give it a try.
  11. Sounds fair to me. Edit - PPP in 3...2...1...
  12. I wasn't really picking on you. I was mostly joking. The bannable offense comment was a joke because everyone disparages PPP. However, if we discuss religion and abortion this thread will end up there quickly. My take, Tebow should have a commercial that isn't too preachy if he wants to reach as wide an audience as possible.
  13. Wait isn't Dev Crayonz? Or is that Tom, so hard to tell the players without a scorecard.
  14. Let me introduce you to a certain forum here. PPP Wait, is what I just did a bannable offense?
  15. Oh it isn't that bad. I am disappointed, but I have suffered through worse. A certain QB and I am gone though.
  16. I am still convinced my Aunt was moving it.
  17. There is always one fringe guy...
  18. Well said. Urging people to not have abortions is not a bad thing. It will really depend on how it is presented.
  19. Agreed. See we can come to consensus about important things on this board. (waits for the Pepperoni Hot Pocket® troll)
  20. Yes, your pineapple is in the mail.
  21. It was a really good list.
  22. My weirdest story: We went to a graveyard on Halloween. The idea was an old story one of us heard, if you put a tape recorder on a grave and just start recording, you will hear the dead person. To insure it, you are supposed to do this at midnight. I was the skeptic so I insisted on handling the tape recorder and the tape. We got to this abandoned cemetery about 11:30. I opened up the brand new tape and put it in the recorder. We sneak in, going over a fence. There was only about 40 graves there and we were overlooking a neighborhood below us. We put the tape player on the grave and this dog in one of the backyards sees us. The dog starts barking like mad so we left the tape recorder there and retreated so it would shut up. We come back about 10 minutes later (all of us together the whole time). We grab the recorder and beat feet as the dog goes ballistic about then. We get back in the car, I press play. Nothing, the only thing we recorded was the dog barking in the background and our hushed whispers when we first started. I was vindicated. One of my friends points out it still isn't midnight. So we sneak back. Place the recorder down again and run off as the dog goes crazy with our repeated intrusions. All still together. We go back after midnight. Grab the recorder (I had rewound it to the beginning) and get back to the car. I press play and what sounded like a raspy breath and a heartbeat started up. It went on for the full length of the recording. The really weird part? There was no barking dog. I was convinced someone had tricked me. Somehow the tape had been switched on me. I demanded to know how they pulled it off. I was friends with those people for another five years. Dated two of the women for about two of them (not at the same time). No one ever fessed up.
  23. I thought about trying that game one night. My fraternity nickname was "Funnel Master". We required 2 oz shots and I declined after I did the math in my head. As to the nickname, I earned it one night funneling some ridiculous amount of beer. It was a huge shock when I woke up the next day and saw the funnel. Do you have any idea what happens to one of those things if it hasn't been washed out in a year or so?
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