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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Nice post As to those who bring up past Bill's transgressions, I admit it has made my interest wane. Ten seasons of futility does less to harm how I feel about the team than seeing the seedy underbelly of my past heroes. The incident with the possible hit and run (as well as other allegations) concerns me with Lynch. Michael Vick on the team I root for and I will not support them while he is there. I am gone on vacation at least. Considering the recent issue with concussions, I might not ever be back.
  2. When are you starting this?
  3. Lay off. It is insane to ask for the source. GG had the best suggestion.
  4. Arch conservative types keep implying something similar in the appropriate thread. They are tidy that way.
  5. Pssst Bill, even the liberals that responded are saying this is a good thing.
  6. Let's look at it this way, it might be a step in the right direction. Most of us are socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Maybe some will wake up and realize they feel the same and can actually influence politics (I did mention I ten to be optimistic right?)
  7. I know you want to celebrate, but your side is just as guilty. Let's just be happy the process worked for once (in a terribly obscure way).
  8. They can't be crazy enough to try and pass this before he is seated.
  9. Is it still good for Basketball games?
  10. :w00t: Well other than his choice in women, I have to agree.
  11. Why, the man (StupidNation) has yet to show a hint of Christian hope or charity.
  12. My apologies, goodnight good sir.
  13. No pics of Canadian chicks?
  14. Wait, Tom said you were possibly me, does this mean I am StupidNation (God it hurt to actually type that).
  15. z (although we could revisit d and t)
  16. You are a Godless heathen, you wouldn't understand. Also, he is quitting the Bills over the Chan Gailey hiring, wonder what God would say about preaching to the masses up until the masses have a ****ty coach?.
  17. Is gridlock the best we can hope for at this point? I mean, I am rooting for Brown at this point in that faint hope. I would hope we could do better in the future.
  18. If I ever quit the Bills (I will take a vacation as long as Vick is here if we sign him) the NFL is dead to me. With that said, this guy is a troll, small loss.
  19. Sorry, actually was joking that time. I was amused by the typo.
  20. Are we talking about the gay penguins again? We never got that waving goodbye smiley did we?
  21. Female or male (especially male) you shouldn't call the bartender hun. Joking, I actually had a similar thought when I read the post.
  22. I do think they should have added both of those to the health care reform. They did nothing to address prices. Not in favor of a strict cap on tort reform though. If the Doctor removes your leg, when he was supposed to take out your appendix because he is plastered, that should be worth more than 250k. I am hoping you are wrong. I totally see your point though.
  23. Listen to KD. Do not read her e-mails.
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