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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. My house? Seriously, you guys let that one slip past? Wow.
  2. 1 post, 1 score IMO. Damn, seven years, think on that.
  3. So you are aikman's dad huh?
  4. And if the vikes go and win?
  5. Must have been cold that day...
  6. Seriously? Have you played this game before?
  7. You are such a <blanked by me> prick, after your diatribe in which Lori gave you "Solid" this is the lamest <blanked by me> piece of excrement, pussiest, excuse of a lame dick response you could come up with? You moronic, rooster faced, idiot.
  8. Sorry, I missed that. While I may disagree with you occasionally, I do appreciate the facts and figures you bring to the table. Not trying to steal your thunder.
  9. You mean other than not being funny?
  10. My solution would be to make it so the company that fires you has to cover you for say two months at the same rate (as they did in the past). If a previous company covered you, then the new insurance company has to cover you. If you never had health insurance, then !@#$ you. Further edit - Companies shouldn't hire temps so they don't get benefits (some temp agencies provide insurance, but not all). A period in which the person doesn't get benefits should be disallowed as well. You aren't sure you want the person and willing to give them benefits, don't hire them. If you decide to fire them, suck it up.
  11. You should love this then. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/...e-73911212.html Seriously? Nothing but government workers to the tune of 92%?
  12. Sign (trade a pick for him technically) him up, he should clearly be the face of our team.
  13. "But the government isn't in a recession, the people are." Some local idiot said that when discussing raising the taxes.
  14. Just busting chops and not sure that link is valid as Tom debunked some of that stuff in the video. Mind you, he could easily be wrong, been known to happen. I was against the health care bill for the simple fact it added layers of bureaucracy to what may be essentially an insolvable problem. It addressed very little (other than the BS previous existing condition) excuse. Oh and the bill is DOA.
  15. Guys, if RK and I agree, there is a serious issue with our government. Seriously, I am saddened by what is going on with Obama. I didn't vote for him but had hopes he would live up to his rhetoric. Similarly, I hated Bush as the choice of in 2000, but was glad he was president when 9/11 happened (props to Ocin I think). Both ruined the hopes I had for them. Lets hope Obama doesn't screw up too much more.
  16. Waah. I have to test stuff on various servers that are mirrored anywhere from 1 week to 6 months. Two different user ids (thankfully those stay the same) and two different passwords to even log in. We have to change our passwords every 6 weeks or every two months (varies depending on the ID). We cannot use any of our last 6 passwords on one of the IDs. Frankly, it takes me longer to log in sometimes than it does to test.
  17. Where is that dead horse smiley? To preempt Dev... Link
  18. He is an idiot. There was no vast conspiracy. Obama is not an idiot, he is an ineffectual kitty. The difference will elude most.
  19. Yeah, despite the fact there is a group of 40 programmers (Customer Service for comparison is 60ish) I get the distinct Mickey Mouse impression at times (I have immense respect for certain people).
  20. I think if they had their choice it would be more W@WrulzDD@dru1z. 12 character limit though.
  21. My joke at work was about how the IT department sends out e-mails reminding us not to click on links in unfamiliar e-mails, while saddling us with the most intrusive anti-viral application I have seen. Yet the password for the the generic user (can do some stuff) to log onto the network is "Companyname1".
  22. Well La-di-FRICKIN'-da!
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