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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. I am not going looking, just the impression I have of you from more than 1 thread. More to the point, you spazzed earlier with all CAPS. Hardly a cool cat move. It comes down to one simple fact, the public figure may be a target, their children aren't. The asshat has every right to say something about her child. You have the right to be on the side of the asshat. Everyone else has the right to ridicule as they want (uncool to make fun of others kids IMO trying to defend Palin's right to be upset).
  2. Only if it is on your part. No, I meant that everyone has been making fun of you because you are coming across as an ass. I did not mean it is a big practical joke.
  3. The comedic forum was here, sorry you didn't appreciate the form of humor that was used, but they were making fun of you. You have shown yourself to have a relatively thin skin on several occasions, so this latest act rings terribly hollow.
  4. Wow that was harsh. She deserved it, but I wouldn't have done that. I might have conceived the revenge, but never would I have followed through.
  5. I would have thought he would be one of your heroes.
  6. Such a pleasure when Memphis is in the news.
  7. Umm does he have his own video camera crew?
  8. I think Tom wants all of us to sell our computers. He is just like that.
  9. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Someone turned Dib into Bishop Hedd, make it stop, for the love of God, make it stop.
  10. My personal opinion of you couldn't sink much lower. I think you watched too much Redtube or something.
  11. Put down the shovel. Wow, do you realize you have aligned yourself with Rush Limbaugh? Wait, I take it back, I think he apologized for making fun of Chelsea, nope just you out there by your lonesome.
  12. You heard that too?
  13. BTW the shot that was made about sitting on the couch drinking beers was a shot at Pooj I think. I could be wrong though.
  14. Racked over the coals and you want specifics?
  15. I hope they devour him.
  16. Welcome back
  17. DC hands down. Well, maybe if Prof X cheats, they will last a 1/4. Everone always forgets how much stronger DC is than Marvel (by choice). And unless they allow krptonite in the game, it will be QB sneak with the wild play of running Captain Marvel or Martian Manhunter.
  18. Exactly.
  19. Look,I am not going to argue with you over this, but your post sure seemed to imply you haven't a clue. That is phrasing it nicely for this board.
  20. Get a clue and get back to us.
  21. Meh, I sent him a PM. He was doing that IMO because of PPP stuff. You shouldn't let that stuff cross boards IMO. Besides Beerball is more important than any petty rivalries.
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