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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Umm what? I assume you mean up in your area. I have no clue, they folded a while back.
  2. I could care less about hockey for the most part, but I am happy for you folks that the Sabres are doing well. Congrats.
  3. Has nothing to do with unions, but reminded me of something that happened when I was younger. I was waiting tables at this restaurant and I had only been there a couple of months. I hated the GM as he was a complete dick so was considering moving on to another restaurant. Well, as a waiter making 2.12 an hour and paying for the employee meal plan on top of that, I didn't pay much attention to my paycheck. I worked close to 40 hours a weeks so I would get a 2 week check of maybe 20 dollars. Well, I got one check that was zeroed out, then a second. I wasn't really paying attention the first time, figured I made too much in tips. I went back and looked though and in each two week period, it claimed I worked around 36 hours. Long story short (too late): The manager was shaving my hours (and others). I asked for my time worked for each day and my tips claimed when he was away at the GM conference in Hawaii. I had one night where supposedly I worked an hour and a half and claimed $100 in tips. Keep in mind, it took 30 minutes to do sidework, before I could leave. I confronted him with it when he got back. He paid me $100.00 out of the bar drawer. That was Steak and Ale btw, some of you may recognize it. It was a fairly big chain.
  4. Wilma. As Beerball's mind cleared, Rfeynman came running up, indeed dashing at Beerball as Rfeynman's tongue rolled loosely from his lips. Beerball exclaimed
  5. You take that back about John Adams. A vicious rumor. He is a postman.
  6. giving him a beer and a link to a porn site about alien women. Meanwhile, Beerball, his brain oxygen deprived due to his suicide attempt, groaned and rolled over. Seemingly unaffected by over an hour without oxygen, he sat up and screamed,
  7. This? http://science.howstuffworks.com/invisibility-cloak.htm
  8. No other federal taxes or are you just referring to income tax?
  9. We could move Wood to Center. That way it would be Levitre > Wood > Wang Dickson would of course play in the backfield.
  10. ' Umm, don't you usually have blacks on the brain? Interesting.
  11. I don't know about you, but I like my kitty wet.
  12. Glad to know I still have you irritated. Typing sorta fast are you? 1. Agreed 2. Well if they enact Cap and Trade (plus other taxes, see Health Care and VAT, I would have to say probably so. Adding in more taxes without seriously reducing spending starting next year will be a disastrous move. I am actually hoping with a swing in Congress will help cut the budget, but then I am an optimist generally. What will actually happen is probably some Republicans get elected, everyone agrees that the budget must be cut, but next year seems best. Of course that will be an election year... 3. Bad edit there and do really expect me to go into the whole democratic parties philosophy? As if they even had one, the whole big tent thing is a total failure. Right now, the fringe is in control of Congress. Obama talked pretty centrist (other than Health Care) and seems willing to bargain on his policies, so with more Republicans (excluded till then), who knows what he will do? To date, he has been a failure.
  13. No, you get tar and feathers though. Oh and this pass.
  14. Damn, I missed where you left off the list the requirement they must be sane... OCin for Prez
  15. Nice title. "No see if it is a deer, it is the highway department's problem."
  16. How about you show me a conservative that is FULLY competent with ALL of the above material. Hell any political bent.
  17. You do realize she earns major props for being supportive wife online right?
  18. All of them have it by their name, letting you know they are a moderator. Well, except the secret ones, those are the ones you have to watch out for... You are so naive...
  19. Actually, it has been his "turn" for 11 months now according to the group website. Even within the club it seems some are a bit quicker than others.
  20. I agree with you btw (about the dovetailing, not you being a mewling idiot).
  21. Picking this topic and posting it today was not the smartest move in the world for BLZFAN4LIFE.
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